Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Graduation Week!

I am so extremely glad to have survived this week. I was so stressed out trying to get everything ready for graduation. I just want to apologize for those of you that saw the pictures I posted on facebook. A lot of these are duplicates. The week started with a formal group dinner with his group leader Dr. Taylor. We all pitched in and took him to Benjarong's. It is a thai restaurant that was really nice! Rhett fell in love with it and we actually went back the night he graduated for a second dose of thai. Yum! 

Then on Tuesday night we had the last graduation party for his class. It was a lot of fun they gave out all the "silly" awards that night and Rhett actually won two awards. The reno-911 look a like, and the Bling Bling award. That award was for the person most likely to blow through his cash. Suits Rhett pretty well for anyone that actually knows Rhett. He also got an honorary mention for sleeping through class. Silly guy! Anyway, that was a fun night. It was a casual BBQ and they actually served meat for those that aren't vegetarians. Yeah for meat! We parked the babies at the front of the food table and it worked out perfectly because eveyone that went through the line stopped and played and entertained them for a few minutes. The babies were loving all the attention. The big boys were loving that they had a swing set. Overall a great night.

The next night we had our last girls night out. I was really quite sad to say goodbye to all the wonderful friends I have come to love over the years. The girls nights have literally been the one thing that kept me sane this last year. Just know I will miss you all girls. It has sure been great times. From movies to dinner to desserts to visiting. I have loved it ALL! Thanks!

The next night, thursday, we had the formal night awards ceremony. It was fun to get all dressed up. My favorite part of the evening is that I kept seeing Rhett check me out. It made all the effort of getting ready worth it. :) We went to the mission inn in Riverside and had a great, meatless, meal. We picked up our friends Alicia and Nathan and carpooled over with them so it was fun to visit on the way there. They are us in 5 years. Nathan did dental school and went through the air force so they have answered many of our questions and to top it all of Alicia has taken my twins once a week since they were like a month old. We will really miss them. They are great people!

On Saturday Rhett had a religious  ceremony in the morning. We were lucky to have family come and have a BBQ with us in the evening.

Then, on Sunday we had the graduation. I got up early in the morning and got everything ready for the luncheon, picked up the cake and balloons we ordered, and finished cleaning the house. Thanks Melanie for helping cut up fruit and vegetables. That night after the graduation we went and pick up some Thai food with some friends. I was so exhausted that by the time I hit the sheets at 12:45 I was dead to the world. What a fantastic week. Busy but fun. I am proud of you Rhett. Congratulations on your graduation from Loma Linda Dental School. Rhett K Olsen DDS. I like the sound of that. You deserve it baby! I am really tired writing this so hopefully it makes sense!

These were from Mission Inn. The formal evening.

Graduation day. Right before the luncheon.

The Olsen Family! I LOVE this picture. We have all worked so hard for this. 

Future Dentists class of 2030.

We finally made it through sweetheart! I love you!

Sam kicking Taylor. They never really got along that great. Oh well, boys will be boys!

Me, April, and Alicia.

Rhett and his awards.

Rhett and Krause cracking up at some of the other awards!

Rhett and some of the other seniors. Congratulations class of 2009!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Children's Day" at Loma Linda

We went to the "Children's Day" at Loma Linda this week. The big boys thought it was so cool. It was similar to a health fair I guess so a lot of the companies came and handed stuff out and then would teach the kids something new. We started with a fire safety. The little kids got to get on the fire truck and even got a cute little helmet. 

The next stop for us was snake safety. This was one of the favorites. They had a bunch of different snakes in cages including a giant python, and several rattle snakes. They gave each of the little boys a cute stuffed snake to take home with them. 

This picture was of the boys touring the ambulance. It was really cute. The guy was telling them about why they would need a ride in one and Taylor looked up at Carter and said, "What?" Carter lovingly told him what the guy had said. Precious moments!

Carter was practicing being a doctor and learning to listen to heart beats. He also thought this girl was extremely adorable!

This is Taylor with his finger cast. He was pretty proud of it!

Carter getting his finger cast on. Not quite as impressed. He quickly took it off without even letting it dry.

The Emergency Room was also a hit with the little boys. Woohoo for face masks!

The booties were Taylor's favorite part of the costume!

This is me and the boys waiting to go into the crest van to see daddy!

Daddy giving Carter a ride in the dental chair.

Now a ride for Taylor. This was the highlight of the day. A ride, new toothpaste, floss, and a new tigger toothbrush. I would say that me made out like bandits. :) One of my favorite moments was when Taylor got to one of the booths and said, "Trick or Treat." It was awesome. He got two boxes of crayons for that one. Anyway, we had a good time at "Children's Day." 


We went to a place called Jump Zone yesterday with the little kids and they had a blast. They had about 12 bounce houses and slides. Carter and Taylor were in Heaven. They also had a cute little area set up for little kids with these little dragons and other soft toys to play with. The twins thought that was great. We also had some of our friends there with us so it was an extra special treat for everyone.

Here are the babies riding the dragons.

I absolutely love this one. Ryker was actually pushing Hunter and Hunter looked up and gave me this look as if to say, "What are you staring out... Help me." I actually get this look a lot from Hunter. He's such a drama queen.

These two little guys have been best friends since we moved here four years ago. They are such little posers. It's hard to get a "natural" picture of the two of them.

I rest my case. Carter will really miss Shaely when we move.

Look at the determination on Taylor's face as he climbs up the ladder. He even has his tongue out.

My three little blonde's. They have about the same amount of hair too. Carter just got a buzz and when I was finished he ran in the bathroom to take a look and came out crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said, 'Mom you made me bald. Now all my friends are going to laugh at me because I don't have any more hair." What a sweet boy. Oh well, his hair grows like a weed. It will be back to normal in no time at all. Again the look on Hunter's face. He is the harder of the babies.

Taylor trying to knock Hunter off the dragon. Little twerp.

Little Taylor having fun going through the little tunnel.

Carter and Shaely. These pictures were actually hard to take because the slide went so fast!

Taylor going down the fast slide. There was a bump on this one that threw him clear up in the air. It was hilarious.

My two BIG boys.

My babies with their little girlfriend Emily. They both love to suck on her head. She must smell good. ;)

Ryker playing with the toys. What a sweet baby you are. I know I don't tell you that enough, but Ryker you are my little angel! Thanks for being such an easy baby!

My little Hunter. You are such a hard baby, but are constantly rewarding me with your sweet little laughter. You love this new found world and just don't want to miss a thing! I love you baby! Check out the shoes. They are so cute and I bought them for $2.00. Yeah for deals.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Last Disneyland Trip For The Olsen Family!

We went to Disneyland for the last time last week. We had a blast! I truly will miss that place when we move. It was pretty crowded, but we stayed overnight and went two days so we still got our fill. It was actually a quite exciting trip for us this time. The first thing that happened was that Rhett lost his bottom retainer on the fast train ride. He was pretty upset. I went back and talked to the ride operator to see if I could look and try to find it, but on the bottom where you put your legs... there was two big holes where it would most likely fall down. I gave them my name and told them that I would check back in a few hours, but had pretty much chalked it up as a loss.

We then went and ate at the New Orleans Cafe. (A fun treat for it being the last trip) We had the Monte Cristo and it was SO good. Rhett had to go back to school so me and Julie played the rest of the day with the kids. The other exciting thing that happened was that Carter was tall enough to do the Indiana Ride. Woohoo. We have waited years for him to be able to ride that one. Well, me and Julie were both excited to ride it with him so Julie went first. Apparently, it scared him a little. He held his hands over his eyes the ENTIRE time and when I asked him to go with me he started to cry. Poor little guy. If I had been his dad I would have told him to buck up and stop crying, but I'm not! I'm his mom, so I picked him up and told him how much I loved him and that if the ride was too scary he didn't need to go with me again. 

Later that day I went to get a switch rider pass for the fast train and the guy looked at me and said, "Hey aren't you that girl that lost her retainer?" I replied yes and he informed me that someone had actually turned it in. Yeah! Rhett was so happy. Don't worry everyone he washed it really well before replacing it back in his mouth!

I love you Julie. Thanks for coming to play at Disneyland with us again! A fantastic trip and end to our Disneyland adventures! 
This is the whole family at Disneyland! Thanks for taking the picture Julie!

Carter is such a poser. This is his scary pirate pose, but my ultimate favorite was when he grabbed two butter knives and pretended to slit his throat. Oh boy, we need to watch what he watches. :)

My two little hobbits in front of the rabbit hole for Alice!

This was seriously so adorable. Carter just wanted to sit with Taylor alone and he pointed out all the cool stuff for him on Monsters Inc. It was really very sweet!

Me and the babies on Small World. They loved it! There was so much to see!

Hunter was Julie's partner and he loved that she wore a hat. When he would get bored he would just reach up and chomp on it a little!

This is Scott from X-Men aka Carter! He was teasing us about taking off the glasses. He also only answered to Scott the WHOLE second day. He loves X-Men!

This was my all time favorite ride with Talyor. It was the Jungle Cruise and he loved it. He pointed out everything to me. He was just so excited over all the animals. He was a little nervous for the "sleeping zebra" in this picture!

My sweet little man waiting for Julie, Carter, and Daddy to get off the train!

Here is jewlz with the little ones. She was an absolute angel. She helped me out so much. Thanks for breakfast and lunch Julie. We love you and can't wait to be a little closer!

Goodbye Disneyland. We have had so much fun over the years. Thanks for all the laughs and great memories. You truly are the "Happiest Place on Earth." You will be missed!