Monday, February 27, 2012

Cirque Dream Jungle Tour-

One thing that I love about being in the military is all the fun things they have to entertain oversea families. We have seen the Harlem Globetrotters, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Sesame Street, and lots of great Musicians have come to perform. The latest fun adventure that we had the opportunity to go to was the Cirque Dream Jungle Tour. It was a Cirque du Soleil show and it was AMAZING! The kids loved it. 

They had all sorts of amazing performers and I know after watching the girl with the hula hoops Rhett was all excited to hit up the bx and get me started. ;) Her outfit didn't hurt either.

This was of Hunter and I right before the show started. The little kids eyes were glued to the performers the entire time. They really made it a fun family event. Very kid friendly.

Watching some of the performers contort their bodies made my back hurt just watching. I just wish I could touch my bloody toes let alone bend myself into a pretzel and place myself into a small box.

These guys were extremely fun to watch. The bottom guy would flip the other one up in the air and he would do all sort of flips and twists. They were one of my very favorite acts.

This guy had mad balancing skills. I was dying watching him. He never wavered though. Amazing!

We went with our great friends the Wealleans. They always make things so much fun. Here is Fabi and I  after the show was about over.

The whole group from the Dream Jungle Tour!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

Favorite quote of the day by Rhett was, "Why does taking family pictures make you NOT WANT to have a family?" It pretty much summed up the experience.

We had Ryker being stubborn and just said NO to the photographer EVERY TIME she asked him to do anything. Hunter was decent, but in a naughty mood. Taylor looked like a bird with a broken wing and a  grimace on his face and to top it all off Carter had diarrhea.

Rhett earned the MVP of the day while he cleaned Carter from the waist down while I did my best to bribe the kids with candy. We got a couple shots that worked though! :) Enjoy the pictures because I'm not doing family pictures again until 2017.