Thursday, August 23, 2012

Typhoon Season

We live on a little island and with that comes Typhoon Season. We have already lost one trampoline. It can be brutal and quite honestly they make me really nervous. I HATE that Rhett is gone right now. I hate that I have to beg the neighbors to help me flip the trampoline over and help me sand bag everything. I hate waiting for HOURS to check out at the commissary just to get supplies, and I hate when we lose power for hours or days at a time. I also hate that they ALWAYS seem to hit us on a weekend. :( At least give everyone a couple days off work so we can be happy about having a typhoon. lol Anyway, this typhoon makes me really nervous because this is what they are saying about it-

"Okinawa residents are being warned to prepare for a massive storm that forecasters say could be the most powerful to hit the island in 13 years.

Typhoon Bolaven was on track to make a direct hit on Okinawa at mid-afternoon Sunday. The Kadena Air Base 18th Wing Weather Flight forecast peak sustained winds of 138 miles per hour and gusts up to 167 mph.

Please start to pick up and secure any items in your yard, stock your food items and have some bottled water in your household. Now is when you start, not tomorrow or even Saturday. Also, it doesn't hurt to have some cash and also Japanese yen. Be ready NOW! And pass the word and listen to AFN Radio on Wave 89.1 FM for updates." --Griff

I am not all that worried about the smaller one over Taiwan even though we are in it's direct path as well, but I am slightly worried about Typhoon Bolaven because that bad boy is huge. It is so hard not to have my husband home to snuggle up and keep me safe! :( I miss you Rhett

Unorganized Chaos

This post is just random cuteness and complete chaos that I don't want to forget!

First, I have had the opportunity to help out a friend and get my baby fix on a few times this month. Brendan was sick and unable to go to daycare so he got to come and play with me and the boys for the day. I did the little boys hair and Brendan wanted his spiked up too! It was beyond killer! His Dad did NOT love it. lol. Which just made it all the more funny to me. He is such a sweet little guy and loves playing peek a boo with me through skype and while he's here. His nickname is Biscuits and I absolutely LOVE every second I get to play with him. With that being said.... I am also so glad to give him back to Daddy and thankful I no longer have any babies. They are a lot of work! :)

We have also got to play with some cute little girls. I swap babysitting with another lady and so we get to play with Gracie and Sophie quite a bit. My little boys love it and have a blast playing house with them. Usually Hunter is the Dad and Ryker is the Mom?!? Gracie is ALWAYS the baby and crawls around the house after the twins calling for Dad. lol. It is fun to watch their little personalities and see them using their imagination. Today they also invited Santa (Taylor) to play house with them. They were baking up some cookies and waiting for him to bring them all sorts of fun toys!

We started swapping one night a month for a sleepover party. It is all sorts of fun. We usually make it into a pizza party. Here are a few pictures from the sleepover. :) Very cute girls, but they sure squeal a lot. I am thankful for boys. lol. 

This is me rocking out because I had the Deployed Spouses Dinner. You know what that means? FREE babysitting and a home cooked meal. Yummy! Those have been really rare since Rhett left. I do very little cooking. I was just thinking about that the other day. I was watching Master Chef on my computer while throwing corn dogs in the oven for the kids. EPIC FAIL! 

This dinner was sponsored by the Dental Squadron so it was nice to see everyone from Rhett's work. I have heard very little from them since Rhett left, but that day I received several emails to make sure I knew about it. I think that was the first time they have even remembered that they have deployed spouses in their squadron. 

They do call me the day before a typhoon hits though to make sure I know about it. lol. Usually by then I have already begged the neighbors to flip the trampoline and the basketball hoop. My neighbors are great though! :)

The twins have recently become extremely INDEPENDENT! They always pick out their own clothes and put them on. Most the time they are on wrong, but at least they are doing it. I took a few pictures to show you what I mean.

Oops! Shirts are on backwards and Hunter's pants are on backwards.

Ryker with his jammies inside out and backwards. lol They also are still wearing diapers for night time They can't seem to wake up dry when they wear underwear and quite honestly I am tired of washing two sets of sheets and blankets everyday. The other day I asked them to run and put on their pull ups and they came out like this. Silly little nuts! Always keeping me on my toes.

I absolutely LOVE that my kids love me and WANT to be around me. They follow me from room to room. They love to sit up on the counter and help me cook and they also love to sneak into my bed at night. It gets OLD really quick. I mean, I love my kids, but please... I need a good nights sleep so I can deal with them in the morning. Ryker came in and brought his blanket a few nights ago and just wanted to lay down by me. It melted my heart. I blogged away with him just sleeping next to me. I love you little boys and you are welcome to be by my side anytime between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. :)

 Love you guys, but get the HECK out of my bed! When Rhett gets home he won't even have a spot. They have completely taken over!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Beat the Heat-

For the babies birthday I found this AWESOME water slide. It has been unbearably HOT this Summer so we were thrilled to get it out and play on it. The boys go crazy when I put it up.I actually went out there a couple days ago and went down it with them a few times. Mostly, I sit and read on my kindle while they squirt me with the shooter!

I skyped with Rhett and he could see them playing on it through the window. It is such a fun activity and I love how much the kids love it. Money well spent!

I don't have time to write anything clever right now because we keep losing the power due to the typhoon coming or something, but enjoy the pictures Rhett! 

I love that they keep thanking you for it even though I bought it! :( lol

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A much needed day OUT!

Lately I have been babysitting quite a bit so the boys and I needed a day OUT of the house. We decided to head to Neo Park to feed the birds and hit up a beach and Pineapple Park on the way home. It was a perfect day of shiny faces, yummy snacks, and lots and lots of giggles together! I LOVE MY FAMILY. 

I have a lot of pictures per request from Rhett so ENJOY your pictures baby!

Yes, it was extremely HOT and HUMID so our faces will be shiny in every picture. :) I can't wait until October. I miss my pants and make up that doesn't melt right off when I walk outside.

 My boys give me the cutest, funniest faces ever. I love their little personalities and how each one of them is so different from another. I do have to admit I have struggled a little bit with Ryker lately. He is just so head strong and we butt heads over everything from what color of underwear to wear to Blueberry Oatmeal instead of Peach. What a little nut, but he is so darn fun to snuggle with at nap time that all is usually forgiven by then! :) I still get the stink face quite a bit, but I know he likes me!

Hunter got freaked out by one of the birds coming over. It was hilarious!!! 

This guy was throwing fish to the birds and he let me throw one. I regretted it a little later in the day when my hands still reeked of fish. I scrubbed and scrubbed with soap, but that was one stinky fish! :) 

Look at all those birds fighting over my fish though! Worth it!!

Who's NOT scared?!?

 Ryker's NOT scared! He loved the big birds and fed them piece after piece of bread. I then decided it would be funny to have him sit on the ground with a piece on his head. He eagerly agreed and it was so funny to watch the bird come and peck it off. He laughed and laughed. I was bummed I missed the picture of the bird grabbing the bread, but you can get the idea from the picture below. What a good sport. He and all the boys LOVE feeding the birds. It is one of our favorite past times.

I love that little Taylor boy and his bigger than big smile. What a fun kid I have. He is such a special buddy. It is bitter sweet that he is starting school this year. I will really miss him.

The boys chased these poor Peacocks around the park. I was there just laughing and waiting for the Peacocks to get revenge They must be used to people though because they just squawked and headed in the opposite direction! Taylor and the boys found these feathers on the ground and used them for swords. Right as I took this picture Taylor got whacked in the face. Hence the expression on his face. 

After leaving Neo Park we headed to the beach. I left the camera put away since I have a BILLION pictures of the kids at the beach, BUT you get the idea. We had a fantastic day together.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wow... my babies are 4 now!

Hunter and Ryker had a birthday last week. I typed up this adorable post and somehow my blog deleted it. Grr.. I hate it when that happens. Anyway, here is the twins birthday Take-2!

I woke up early in the morning and snuck into their bedroom where they were curled up together.

I sat near their feet and just watched my sweet little angels sleep for a few minutes and marveled at how far we have come in the last four years. I thought about the day I went into the hospital and the day I got to bring my darling babies home. It almost brought me to tears just watching and remembering all the fun I have had with these two. After a few minutes of reminiscing I leaned in close to their heads and started singing "Happy Birthday." They both pulled me in close for a hug and I thought to myself, "This must be what Heaven is like."

After a breakfast of pancakes I asked the little ones what they wanted to do. I threw out a couple options like the pool, zoo, park, and beach. They smiled and both shouted that they wanted to go to the beach and get some cake. 

So off to the beach we went-

That is Taylor's hand you see as he got swallowed by a wave. lol. But you'll see from the picture below he LOVED it.

We played for hours in the sand and waves before heading to the next adventure. We then went to the BX so they could pick out a toy from Grandma. They picked all sorts of fun little things. They got backpacks, cars, and frisbees. Thanks Grandma.

We also went to get the cakes and a couple balloons. The big boys picked out some silly string and thought that it would be a great present to squirt them. Little turkeys. :)

They happened to be playing "Ice Age 4" in the theatre so we headed to that. We got them some popcorn and a big drink to share and they were LOVING that all the attention was on them.

Taylor had a hard day and the theme of the day from Taylor was, "But that's not fair!" It's hard to not be the birthday boy, but Mommy was good to remind him that he had his day and the twins didn't fuss about it. He seemed  to be a little better after that lecture.

Next up- CAKE TIME!!! YAY! They each picked their own little cakes

Mommy forgot to buy candles again. Oops! It was okay though. We had some matches so it worked. I love this picture because I could NOT get Ryker to take his eyes off the cake for a picture. I have about 5 of the same one with Hunter smiling and Ryker just staring at his cake. lol. I guess he was really excited to have his own and he didn't want anyone to snatch it. :)

Happy Birthday Babies. I know it wasn't quite the same without your Daddy here, but I'm glad that you had such a good day. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for giving me the opportunity to have to guys in my life. You two have such a love for each other and life. You keep Mommy on her toes and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Thanks for being my sweet babies and please don't grow up too fast! :)