Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fire Truck Parade

They had fire safety week and kicked it off with an AWESOME fire truck parade. There is nothing my kids love more than fire trucks and candy so it was a perfect combination for them. :) They were in absolute Heaven.

Here is Hunter sporting a sweet hat that Taylor got from school. Taylor also got to meet "Patch" the dog. He is very similar to "Smokey" the bear. That is who I grew up with. Anyway, Taylor was so excited to tell me all about "Stop, Drop, and Roll." He even got to go through a fire drill. He thought it was such a cool day and he still carries around the magnet he got for the refrigerator. He is such a collector. Sometime it drives me insane! 

Here is Carter and a couple of his friends waiting for the fire trucks to come by. They hopped down extremely quickly when they started throwing candy.

I got a new game for the ipad and here are all the little ones playing Hungry Hippos. :) It kept them entertained for a long time.

Here they come...

And then the candy hunt began. :) What a fun parade. Thank you fire fighters for doing this.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Weather

It has been so nice outside that we have been taking advantage of it every chance we get.

I absolutely LOVE taking the kids to the park. I feel like some of my favorite pictures of the kids are of them just playing. 

Ready, Set, Race... Taylor actually kicked Carter's butt. lol

All of the pictures of kind of self explanatory so enjoy them. :) 

We all had such a great time and are looking forward to being outside more and more as the weather is cooling off. 

The kids also seem to get along better when they are outside playing together. 

I love these pictures. Taylor has such a sweet little face. It is so fun to have a big brother to push you on the swing. What a big helper.

Really Carter? You are at the park. Put your stinking games away!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sometimes life is just a walk in the park...

I absolutely LOVE days when we get to play together-
Enjoy the pictures Rhett. I am too tired to write anything clever tonight!

 Poor Carter was leaning over the edge to feed the ducks and he flipped over the bar. He was lucky that he didn't end up in the water, but he did slam his cheek into the bar.

Ouch! Poor little guy.

Other than the minor accident it was such a great day spending time together. It was a blast to feed the fish and birds and I just LOVE LOVE my kids. I am so thankful for them everyday.

Monday, October 22, 2012

BOYS play rough... be thankful for GIRLS!

I feel like my little boys keep getting hurt because they play too rough..... and are extremely clumsy. 

Poor Taylor ate it down the stairs while trying to carry his scooter back down. Ouch!! I asked him why he even had it up there and his reply was, "I needed to see if I could ride it from my bedroom to the bathroom so I wouldn't have an accident." Okay, crazy!

I came home from volleyball to this the other night... Carter was wrestling with some friends on the trampoline and got a knee to the eye. Poor guy. 

The next day it was still swollen and sore. :( I did brighten his day when I said he could stay home from school for a day. I was worried he would get a headache from only seeing out of one eye.

I regretted letting him stay home about 3 minutes into the day. lol He just wanted me to entertain him all day!

Another difference between the twins-

They both love to shed their clothes and run outside to play, BUT the mosquitoes LOVE Hunter and rarely bite Ryker. Also, my poor Hunter is allergic to them and swells up pretty good. I guess it's time to bust out the bug spray! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Inside Time-

Well, the last post I showed you a little bit about what was going on outside. This post is strictly dedicated to what we were doing inside.

Complete Chaos-

We did give Mommy a small break and took a nap with her when the power went out.

Laundry Hamper Rides-

Hide and Seek- 


Riding our scooters in our underwear- 

We also watched movies, baked cookies, and played Mario Bros together. I kind of like the family time, but am so OVER TYPHOONS. In fact, tonight while I was at volleyball my trampoline took out the neighbors fence. I feel so bad. They just barely re-cemented everything from the last typhoon. 

Rhett- I need you to come home and cut the kids nails. They are getting long! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Typhoon Jelewat Choas

We have had a typhoon almost every other weekend for the last 6 weeks and I am SO OVER IT. 

The last typhoon was by far the worst one we have seen on this little island. It caused so much damage to trees, and CARS. Here are a few pictures so I can remember what they were like when we don't live here anymore.


Lots and lots of cars damaged. A lot of them flipped over and all the cars in most of the parking lots all slid into each other. 

No Cable-

Lots of trampolines broken.

Very few sheds left undamaged-

This is our backyard. I made sure to sandbag the trampoline really well, but our large tree in fell over breaking a few of the legs. :( I had a couple people think about our family though and a few people brought over some new legs from some of the other damaged tramp and I was able to fix it.

Unfortunately, when the workers came to cut up the tree they did the chainsaw on the mat of the tramp. It was meant to be. 

We also lost the BBQ grill this time. 

Here's a couple pictures of the tree we lost. Taylor was so BUMMED. This was his tree. 

It was a long, windy, rainy couple of days and I'm glad it's over. It's hard to entertain kids for days in the house. We have another one that is suppose to hit in 2 days. :(