Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Family Night-

My parents have been awesome about always doing family night. Grandma always has a fun lesson and activity planned. The kids favorite part is the TREAT. :)

This time the activity and treat went together and we made smores. YUMMY!

The kept catching their marshmallows on fire and having to blow them out. I was cracking up. I personally like mine nice and brown. Cooked perfectly! :)

Seriously so much fun. We also learned about fire safety. :)

It's fun to cook marshmallows, but my favorite part was definitely sticking them on a couple graham crackers and chocolate then shoving them in my mouth. Yum! It was such a fun, sticky mess!

Grandpa is such a teaser. He had just got done with a bike ride and poured a little water on Taylor's head. It was funny.

School Pictures 2013

School Pictures 2013-

The twins started kindergarten this year and love it. They learned to write their names and love spelling their sight words to me over and over again. They love to have hot lunch and love when I pick them up. They run to the car as soon as they see me. :)

Taylor is in first grade and is so smart. He loves to come home and do homework and it is so nice not to have to fight him to do it. His teacher loves his little personality and says he is one of her favorite students because he is so sweet. He is such a good boy! :)

Carter is in fourth grade this year and hates that the homework load has picked up. He is the opposite of Taylor and it is like pulling teeth to get him to do it. :( He is such a cutie though and is very popular with the ladies this year. That may or may not be a bad thing. I'm still deciding. lol. They all are so sweet though and I'm glad they are in my family!

Fun with Melanie

The kids and I got to spend some fun time with Melanie exploring St. George and taking a picnic up to see Grandpa's grave. It is always so much fun spending time with her. She truly is just like a mom to me and I enjoy every minute we get together. It helps that the kids absolutely ADORE her.

The kids thought this was hilarious. 

We totally needed to grab a drink and cool off. It reminded me of my Mom buying us a sarsaparilla when I was a little girl. It's funny how things can trigger memories like that. :)

It was a long drive. We stopped for a picnic lunch and potty break. lol. It was such a peaceful, fun day. I need to do more things like this with the little boys. They loved getting out into nature and just enjoying the fresh air. :)

Snuggles for my babies. We also had a race to one of the trees. I totally won. lol. I decided I will let the boys win when they can do it on their own. j/k. :)

Melanie is such a rule breaker. :) Actually, we saw this sign after we were already done. It cracked me up!

It was nice to see Grandpa's grave. We haven't been up to Panguitch since his funeral.