Thursday, March 20, 2014

Vegas Fun

Rhett was able to come last week and spend some time with his boys. They love him so much. I'm glad he came and played. He spoiled them like crazy and I'm sort of regretting their behavior this week, but they had a blast with their Daddy. 

Driving him back to the airport we met up with our good friends in Las Vegas. The Lohnaas family was a huge part of our lives while we lived in California. We have kids the same ages and spent countless hours together. We even planned our last kids together. What were we thinking? lol. They truly are amazing friends. It's fun when you can meet up with old friends and just pick up exactly where you left off. 

Thanks for visiting your babies Rhett. It was good to see you!

7 crazy, amazing, fantastic buddies. Shaely, Carter, Carson, Taylor, Hunter, Ryker, and Emily

2 Beautiful Mommies- Rebecca and Stephanie

2 Funny Dad's- Chris and Rhett

4 great friends. 

On the way back home we met up with Justin and did the Natural History Museum and had some IHOP. He is always so fun to see. 

New Start

I have to say that I have really been struggling lately. I got divorced and am really having a hard time finding the purpose of my life now. I have never really been a sad or depressed person, but I have been feeling pretty down lately.

I feel like my biggest problem is that I planned this amazing life with Rhett and now that we aren't together I am feeling a little empty. He was my best friend for 12 years and it's hard to turn off feelings completely. I know it will just take time, but it has been much harder than I thought it would be. I truly wish Rhett happiness with his new life and I know we will always be apart of each other's lives because we have amazing kids together. That is a light in my life right now.

I just made some big decisions about a place to live for the boys and I and have decided to try to live without Facebook for awhile. I need to focus my attention on my kids and be the best Mom that I can be. I truly want to raise amazing boys and teach them what life is really about. I also don't need the drama that comes along with Facebook.

So with that being said, I am going to start blogging again. I want to remember these times with the boys. I want to look back and know that I was the best person that I could be during the hard times of my life and the easy times. I want them to know that they are my whole world, and I want them to be happy and enjoy life.

Wish me luck on this crazy new adventure of growing up.