Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had such a fun Christmas season this year!

This is our gingerbread house. It totally rocked. Carter and Taylor even helped make an ice rink for their gummy bears to skate on. We had a house and two shacks (Carter's and Taylor's) and we even made cars out of snickers bars and peppermint candies. What a blast we had.

This is the nativity scene at grandma's house. We had Jessica as Mary, Carter as Joseph, Taylor as a one of the wise men, Ryker as baby Jesus, Jenny and Hunter as angels, and Erik as a sheep. It was a really great night. My mom had a wonderful program planned. We cried and laughed the night away.

Sweet little Ryker Christmas Morning

Sweet Little Hunter Christmas Morning

Ryker with his present

Hunter with his present

Taylor with one of his. He was very protective of all of his gifts this year. He had a blast with Carter opening all the presents he got.

Carter opening one of his. He was such a good helper. He was right there if anyone needed help with the ripping part. In fact he was even there when you didn't need help. 

He was so funny this year. All he wanted for Christmas was a real motorcycle. We went to see Santa and when he got up to sit on his lap Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he replied that he wanted a real motorcycle like his daddy's. Santa asked if there was anything else just in case he couldn't get him the motorcycle and Carter thought for a minute then replied a flute. Yeah me and Rhett both cracked up over that statement. Motorcycles and flutes are a lot alike. 

The sweet little babies under the tree with the presents. I wonder what the return policy is for them. j/k. 

Christmas morning santa did come and everyone got everything that they wanted. Carter got a motorized scooter. Taylor got a shopping cart. The twins got diapers and baby toys. I got to go see "Wicked,"and Rhett got new dental loupes. We had such a great holiday season this year. 


  1. It looks like you guys had a great Christmas. It was sure fun to spend time with you guys.

  2. How funny Jonah wanted a real motorcycle too, I wish we lived closer so we could still hang out and let the kids play :( we miss you guys!
