Thursday, February 26, 2009

Big Babies

These sweet little guys are growing up so fast. They are sitting up on their own. They love to sit and play with toys. They love to be on their bellies and scoot all over the place. Hunter has pulled up his knees once a few days ago, but hasn't quite figured out how to do it again.

Yes that is a pink pacifier in Hunter's mouth. That is the back up pacifier, which means we need to find all the other ones. 

On February 16th, Ryker broke his first tooth. The little one on his bottom right. The next day Hunter broke the little one on the left. About a week later they broke the other bottom one. They are chewing on everything. Oh and I love the slobber that runs all over their shirts. :)

Monday, February 23, 2009


We went to Disneyland on Thursday. It was pretty busy, but we had a wonderful time. Julie and Jenny came down and helped us with the babies. This is a picture of Rhett waiting in front of Snow White. 

This is a picture of the babies playing together while we waited to go on Pirates.

Me and Taylor in front of the waterfall at Tarzan's treehouse. What a sweet little smile that kid has. He had a blast at disneyland.

Carter climbing the rope at Tarzan's treehouse.

Most of the group heading to the tram. It was so nice to be one on one. One parent-one child.

Carter is such a poser. He had fun waiting for Wild Toad's. Taylor got away and ran through the exit and they pushed the emergency stop on the ride. It was then shut down for another 20 minutes. Oops!

Just catching a snack between rides!

Daddy and Taylor. It was best to keep Taylor within arms reach.

This was one of Taylor's favorite rides. He loved this and Small World. This is him giving his horse a little smooch for giving him such a fun ride. He was cute to watch while he rode. He would reach down and pet his horse all the time.

This is the rest of the group, minus Rhett, riding the Carousel. 

Overall a fantastic trip to Disneyland. I have to say that the best part of the trip though was when Jenny and Julie took all four kids home for the weekend. It was much needed rest for me and Rhett. The kids had a great time and Carter actually tried to sneak back into their car to go back with them. Sweet little Taylor cried when Jenny didn't get into our car. He said, "I want my nenny come." It was really cute!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recent pictures of the little boys!

These are the sweet little boys! I thought this was really cute. This is how they slept the whole night. (Just cuddled up next to each other)

This is them just playing on the floor. Right after I took this picture. Taylor pulled Hunter and Ryker together to make a train. (Or as Taylor would say a Choo Choo.)

I think it is so funny when they roll over onto each other. Ryker had finished his bottle and wanted to grab Hunter's. 

My sweet little Taylor. Carter and Taylor were dressed up in these for hours before we finally got out the door to go swimming!

My sweet little Carter. What a great helper you are becoming. 

Update on "Bubbles" & "Steam"

I got up the other morning and noticed that "Bubbles" was floating at the top of the tank. Poor little fish. He was Taylor's and Taylor loved to shake the bowl. I think they might not quite be ready for pets yet. Thanks goodness we only bought them fish and not a puppy! After "Bubbles" died we did what anyone would do. We fried him up and ate him!

The next day. I came out and started making breakfast for Rhett and he asked me, "Do fish sleep?" I said yeah, but then when I looked at the tank I saw poor little "Steam" laying at the bottom of the tank. Fish do not lay down to sleep. 

This is "Bubbles." We did this as a joke to Carter who LOVES fish sticks. He didn't think it was nearly as funny as we did.

"Bubbles" getting flushed down the toilet!

"Steam" getting flushed down the toilet!
Walmart has an excellent return policy so the little boys got to go get two new fish. If they don't last we won't be getting anymore. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The boys pets

I told Carter and Taylor that is they were really good that I would buy them a pet. Well, they really wanted a dog. Ha ha ha Yeah right am I going to buy them a dog. So today I went to Walmart and bought them each a Beta fish. Taylor is so in love with his and hasn't stopped looking at the tiny tank since we brought them home. I asked him what they were going to name them and Taylor got so excited and said, "Bubbles." So Taylor's fish is named bubbles and Carter named his fish "Steam." Okay. Well, they really love them. We'll see how long they live. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I feel so bad for Rhett lately. I have been extremely emotional due to the fact that he is at school all the time and my days consist of being neck deep in baby poop and barf.  The babies have had the stomach flu and have been really fussy. Rhett has been super stressed about the WREBs that are coming up so he can actually practice as a dentist when he graduates. I love all the time and dedication he puts into his work for me and the boys, but please... let's just be done!

Today he had to give a guy a root canal this morning and went to lift the seat up and it knocked his computer onto the floor breaking the hard drive. I'm so glad I just put all the pictures onto the mac, but poor Rhett. Just one more stressful thing that needs to be fixed! It's like come on!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Stocking the fridge!

For some strange reason it's always the mothers job to stock the fridge with drinks and yummy snacks. Rhett lectures me quite often when we are out of water, milk, monsters, ect. I'm pretty sure that Carter has picked up on that because when I picked him up from school he ran inside and opened the fridge. After just a moment of looking for something he yelled into the living room, "Mom I told you stock the fridge. Where are all my pirate waters. Fine now I'm just going to have to do it myself." I guess that's something I could do better with doing. lol.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Am I hot?

Carter just walked out of his room without a shirt on and asked if he was HOT. I told him I didn't know because he was clear across the room and I couldn't feel him. He just looked at me and said, "no mom, hot like I'm cool."

He stayed home from school today because yesterday he was sick. Today he crawled out of bed and asked when we could go outside and play. I reminded him that he was sick and he got right in my face and stated, "That's why I need to go outside. I NEED SOME FRESH AIR."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hunter & Ryker

These are a few updated pictures of the twins. They are growing up so fast. They are still closer than ever. They love to play right by each other. They also love to hold onto each other's hands. This picture was when Hunter reached over and put his arm around Ryker. I thought it was pretty precious.

Look at those bright blue eyes. 

This is the newest toy for the babies. It's a horse bouncer. Hunter absolutely loves it. He knew how it works right away. Ryker, my baby that usually loves the toys, doesn't really like it yet. He doesn't know how to make it move so when I put him in it he just looks betrayed.
I love it because Hunter will jump and jump until he is so worn out that he falls asleep. This was the babies last night that they slept together. They love to be close, but lately they have been sick and waking each other up at night. Ryker got moved to the pack and play until we get to Vegas and have more room for another crib.

This was an outfit that Aunt Stephanie bought the babies. We were heading outside so I thought it would be perfect to keep them warm. They are such cute little things.

Well these are the babies. They are growing up so fast that it makes mommy sad. I guess I just want them to stay little for awhile longer. Hunter is getting really close to crawling. He pulled himself up on his knees for a second. They are both rolling over ALL the time and can actually scoot around just a little bit. We love you Hunter and Ryker!

Here are a few videos of the babies in their new toy and rolling over. The video with Ryker didn't work, but just know that Hunter rolled over in about 5 seconds. Ryker took 1 minute 47 seconds. He got wedged on his side and just cried while he tried to flip himself over. He rolls over really fast now and they love that they can can around a little. The one down side to them rolling over all the time is that they spit up a lot more now. I think because they are laying on full bellies.