Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Am I hot?

Carter just walked out of his room without a shirt on and asked if he was HOT. I told him I didn't know because he was clear across the room and I couldn't feel him. He just looked at me and said, "no mom, hot like I'm cool."

He stayed home from school today because yesterday he was sick. Today he crawled out of bed and asked when we could go outside and play. I reminded him that he was sick and he got right in my face and stated, "That's why I need to go outside. I NEED SOME FRESH AIR."


  1. It makes me laugh because he sounds so much like Jace. He's always talking back to me. The other day I told him he couldn't have candy for breakfast and he grummbled under his breath " you're such a butt" I was like "what did you say" and he goes " I didn't hear anything".

  2. lol. That is so funny. How do they get these little personalities on them?
