Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Big Bear

We have absolutely loved going up to Big Bear while living here in California. We decided to break up the weekend and head up and do a little hiking with the boys. We started by going to the adventure center and looking at all the animals. The boys thought it was fun. We then headed over and hiked across the bridge. The boys had a blast!

This is one of my favorites pictures of the boys. The sun was shining and so Taylor totally put his head down right when we took it. Carter just has his eyes tightly shut.

I think it's so fun to watch the boys right now. Taylor is Carter's little shadow and does everything that he does.

It seems like my little boys always have to have a stick in hand.

I wish this picture had turned out just a little better. I caught the sun at the top. Hunter had a great time hiking with his daddy!

This is just me and Ryker hiking. He also thought it was a ton of fun to be outside. Overall a fantastic weekend. The little boys got to go hiking and there was even enough snow for some snow balls.

Taylor was really adorable with the snow. He picked some up and was running to catch up to dad to hit him with it and he just ate it on the cement. He was so sad that his snowball crumbled. I made him a new one and he got a huge smile on his face and ran and got Rhett right on the butt when he was putting Hunter in the car seat. He was so proud. He seriously laughed for like 5 minutes straight.


  1. What a fun weekend adventure! that is so true about boys having to have a stick in hand, or a rock in my boys' case! That's so cool to see your older boys play together my Ryker is just now starting to do whatever Jonah does and has started trying to say his name "Nona", it's so fun to be a mommy!

  2. I'm so glad that you guys had a good time. We had a blast with mom, dad, and Jessi at Gleneden Beach OR. Pictures soon to come.
