Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oceanside California

We had the chance to go to Oceanside last week. The kids had a great time. I have to admit though that it wasn't much of a vacation for me. I had the four little boys on my own. Rhett was going to come, but ended up having an appointment and wasn't able to make it. We did have our friends there though. Carter's best friends Shaely and David and their families came. Carter was in friend heaven.

These pictures is where the little boys slept. Thanks for letting us use your condo mom. We absolutely love it!

I was able to sleep with Taylor on this twin bed. I tried to move him to the floor, but he refused to sleep without me. So it was a little snug. I'm not used to sharing a twin bed.

This is the group of kids we had there minus the three babies. They made a jungle gym. What a bunch of little monkeys.

This is me and my boys over by the harbor on our way to the beach. They loved the boats.

Taylor and Carson loved throwing rocks into the water. I was a little nervous that they would hit a boat, but they were careful.

Taylor on the rocks.

Carter and Shaely playing in the waves. These two made me so nervous because they loved being out deep in the waves. I was constantly telling them to come in a little further.

Little Taylor making a sand castle. He loved the sand. He wasn't too hot on the water after taking a face plant the first day.

Some pictures of my babies and their first time at the beach!

They loved to eat the sand. The first night these poor little guys ended up getting the stomach flu. They threw up the whole first day we were in Oceanside. It was hard for mommy to be there with sick babies and no daddy. 

Playing in the condo while mommy was packing everything up!

I love these little hawaiian outfits that Julie and Jenny bought for the little boys. Thanks girls.

What a fun trip to the beach! Thanks to the neighbors for coming. I truly am sorry that you all brought home the stomach flu, but hope that you had a good time playing in the sand and water! I know that we did!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I look at this picture of Rhett and love it. It truly captures who he really is. We just got fantastic news today. Rhett passed his WREBS. The last exam in dental school. Now we are on to graduation. I am so proud of you Rhett. Congratulations Sweetheart! I love you! He also got his braces off today! What a great day!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Disneyland or not!

We decided to go to Disneyland because Rhett's patient cancelled on him on Wednesday. The kids were super excited and begged all morning for us to finally go. We wanted to wait until the afternoon to go so that we could stay for the fireworks. We finally got off around 2:00 and got there shortly after 3:00. We drove up to the parking and handed them our season pass with the parking and were informed that that day was a block out day. We asked them how much t would be to go and the answer was $40 a piece and $12 for the parking. It didn't take us very long to hit the exit and we decided to head to The Getty Museum in LA. We haven't been for a long time and thought it might be fun. 

We totally got stuck in traffic and it took us almost 2 hours to get there. We pulled up to pay for parking and were informed that they would be closing in 15 minutes.

We then took the kids to get a bite to eat and started home from LA at 5:30. Perfect time for stop and go traffic. I love California. The poor kids. What a wasted day. We will always make sure to check the block out dates for Disneyland though.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wild Animal Park

Lately we have been trying to do as much fun stuff as we can since we will be leaving California soon. We went to the San Diego zoo a few weeks ago and the kids really wanted to go the the Wild Animal Park. It was great to get out of the house. The big boys had a fun time being able to run around and not get in trouble and the babies loved being outside and having lots of new things to look at.

Hunter loves to give kisses right now. He gives big wide open mouthed kisses and actually if you're not careful he slips you the tongue.

I absolutely fell in love with this baby elephant. It was three weeks old and it was adorable watching it follow his mommy around.

This is the Olsen boys getting ready to ride of the Journey into Africa tour. It was fun, but it made me nervous because I thought Taylor was going to jump out of the train as it went. Thankfully we all made it off safely.

These are two cool little guys. It was really bright out that day!

What a stud!
What a looker. j/k.
The whole fam damily! We had a great time. It's always fun to go to new places. 

2 Baby Bunnies For Sale

I have two sweet little baby bunnies for sale just in time for Easter! Get em now because they are going quick! I'm asking $5.00 OBO. I will also take trades, but no children please. We have enough of our own. :) They lay little Easter eggs, but I don't think they are made of chocolate and wouldn't recommend eating them. They also are moving rather quick these days. Ryker is fond of the army crawl, while Hunter pulls himself up on his knees then lunges forward to get away. They love children and would be great for anyone up for a challenge. I can be reached by phone, email, or comment. Oh, and these two come in a pair. They are really very fond of each other and would like to keep them as a package deal!

They eat pretty much whatever you give them, but their favorite foods are sweet potatoes, bananas, peas, green beans, carrots, and pears. They also love little peach puffs, yogurt melts, and wagon wheels. No refunds or returns!

Pictures of the Sequoia Trees