Monday, April 6, 2009

Wild Animal Park

Lately we have been trying to do as much fun stuff as we can since we will be leaving California soon. We went to the San Diego zoo a few weeks ago and the kids really wanted to go the the Wild Animal Park. It was great to get out of the house. The big boys had a fun time being able to run around and not get in trouble and the babies loved being outside and having lots of new things to look at.

Hunter loves to give kisses right now. He gives big wide open mouthed kisses and actually if you're not careful he slips you the tongue.

I absolutely fell in love with this baby elephant. It was three weeks old and it was adorable watching it follow his mommy around.

This is the Olsen boys getting ready to ride of the Journey into Africa tour. It was fun, but it made me nervous because I thought Taylor was going to jump out of the train as it went. Thankfully we all made it off safely.

These are two cool little guys. It was really bright out that day!

What a stud!
What a looker. j/k.
The whole fam damily! We had a great time. It's always fun to go to new places. 

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