Friday, August 28, 2009

Carter's First Day Of Kindergarten!

I wanted to document Carter's first day of school. He was pretty excited shopping for his new uniform, a polo and dress shorts-pants, and new backpack. He picked one that says Little Airmen on it. Of course he had to do something to match daddies uniform. He is such a daddies boy. He is in the afternoon kindergarten and I really thought that this sucked until the very first day. I fed him lunch... he was wide awake and was actually excited to get dressed. So different than last year when he had to catch the bus at 7:00. 

We had met his teacher a few days prior to his first day so he was very comfortable with her. Her name is Mrs. White. He actually thought she was so cool he asked Rhett if he wanted to marry her. This was extremely funny to me and you'll see why when you see her picture right below this! Rhett said he will pass and is still happy being married to me.

Notice in the pictures how excited he is at home and he progressively gets more and more nervous when it comes to being dropped off. He had a huge smile for me when I picked him up though. I love you Carter Bug. I can't believe you are getting so big!

Mrs. White

So Excited!

Starting to get nervous in the parking lot!

 All the other kids were playing on the playground. He looks like he's going to barf!

Please don't leave me mom!

Carter's Chair!

Carter is one of 2 white kids in his class! The other kid has a huge mohawk. 

I love this one. The look on his face says, "Phew I made it through."

Home at last. I said Carter how was your first day of school? Do you like it! His answer, "Yeah mom, it's tight. Plus I made two new friends. Are you proud of me?" Carter I am so proud of you. I love you buddy! Don't grow up too fast!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New names!

Today before school Carter had me laughing so hard. He changed all the kids names. He informed me that the names I picked for all my kids weren't "so cool." He had this little whip in his hand and said Taylor's new name is slow buffalo. Ryker was fast, and Hunter's new name was slime ball. All very good names in my opinion, but my favorite was when he said his new name was "Indian Whooper." I had stayed pretty serious until this name came out then I just burst out laughing. What a character he is!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Krispy Kreme Outing

Julie had this fantastic idea to take the little boys to Krispy Kreme and show them how donuts are made. We showed up pretty early in the morning to make sure that the process was going. Th little boys were so excited to see how it worked and get a hot fresh donut! 

Here is Carter and Taylor watching the donuts flip in the oil. They loved watching how everything worked!

This is what I get when I tell my boys to look at me and give me a smile!

Here is where the donuts are put to rise!

Once they have risen they are dumped into the oil to cook!

After they are cooked on one side, they are flipped!

Then they go under the icing. Carter thought this was the coolest and actually asked the lady if he too could go under the icing waterfall!

The finished process! A Krispy Kreme glazed donut!

Taylor getting his hot fresh donut!

Carter getting his hot fresh donut!

They had this contest that if you could hula hoop for at least one minute without stopping that you would win a free dozen glazed donuts! Carter wanted to try first and did pretty good. Next my turn came with Jenny and Julie cracking up in the back ground! The last time I tried a hula hoop was when I was eight months pregnant with the twins. I can hula hoop like a champ. ;) Carter was so impressed and thought I was the coolest mom ever... especially when they gave us our free dozen donuts!

After we got our donuts and hats! What a great outing with the little boys. We are going to make fresh donuts at home next week. I know they won't taste early as good as Krispy Kreme, but I want my boys to be able to help me! Thanks Julie and Jenny for helping me get out of the house with all these little boys!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A weekend with friends!

We had our friends, the Lohnaas Family come for a visit this weekend. It was a ton of fun. Although having 7 kids 6 and under 3 of them being babies can be a little chaotic. We loved having them here though! We went out for breakfast, bowling, and to circus circus with the kids. Rhett and Chris even hit the crap tables and won $300. Overall a great day!

My babies really loved having Emily around. They just crawled after her the whole time. I think the main reason that they loved her so much was because she still has a pacifier! She was so great to share with them. 

Here is Ryker sweet talking Emily into sharing the pacifier! 

This is the babies fighting over her pacifier. She just looked at me like, "Get these kids their own so they will leave me alone." 

Hunter trying to sweet talk her into sharing!

It worked.

Rhett showing off what little muscle he truly has in his arm before bowling!

This is me doing what I do best at the bowling alley. Holding babies. I have found that although I am pretty talented at most sports and can kick Rhett's butt in almost anything we play together, that bowling is NOT my cup of tea. I am SO BAD at bowling. I think my final score was 47. Yeah.... I know.... next time I'm playing with the bumpers with the kids.
Carter and Shaely have been best friends for the last 4 years!

Taylor and Carson have been friends their whole lives. 

Chris actually did really well bowling. I regret that I have zero pictures of his wife Stephanie bowling, but she also did really well. This is the first time NO DOUBT that team Lohnaas has beat team Olsen in anything. lol. I know they absolutely loved the moment too! Keep smiling Steph. Next time we are playing badmitten! ;)
Rhett trying to bring our score up a little, sorry baby. I guess you didn't marry me for my bowling skills!

Carter loves to bowl and does pretty well actually! He beat my score, but then again... so did Taylor!

Just playing around before they had to take off. My kids really do miss them. We will be going to disneyland over labor day weekend and will stop by and say hello.

A really big goodbye hug. Thanks for coming and seeing us Lohnaas family! We had a blast with you. Next time you come.... leave the kids at home and we'll show you a great time in Vegas no kid style! 

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Naughty Talk

Carter is learning so much from his daddy being home! Today I walked downstairs and heard Taylor say "I want my milky." Right after that Carter responded with, "That's what she said." I heard that line 4 times yesterday! 

Oh and on a side note, Carter is doing a little better with not saying Oh Shit! Where he learned it I only have one guess, but he knows that the taste of soap isn't good!