Friday, August 28, 2009

Carter's First Day Of Kindergarten!

I wanted to document Carter's first day of school. He was pretty excited shopping for his new uniform, a polo and dress shorts-pants, and new backpack. He picked one that says Little Airmen on it. Of course he had to do something to match daddies uniform. He is such a daddies boy. He is in the afternoon kindergarten and I really thought that this sucked until the very first day. I fed him lunch... he was wide awake and was actually excited to get dressed. So different than last year when he had to catch the bus at 7:00. 

We had met his teacher a few days prior to his first day so he was very comfortable with her. Her name is Mrs. White. He actually thought she was so cool he asked Rhett if he wanted to marry her. This was extremely funny to me and you'll see why when you see her picture right below this! Rhett said he will pass and is still happy being married to me.

Notice in the pictures how excited he is at home and he progressively gets more and more nervous when it comes to being dropped off. He had a huge smile for me when I picked him up though. I love you Carter Bug. I can't believe you are getting so big!

Mrs. White

So Excited!

Starting to get nervous in the parking lot!

 All the other kids were playing on the playground. He looks like he's going to barf!

Please don't leave me mom!

Carter's Chair!

Carter is one of 2 white kids in his class! The other kid has a huge mohawk. 

I love this one. The look on his face says, "Phew I made it through."

Home at last. I said Carter how was your first day of school? Do you like it! His answer, "Yeah mom, it's tight. Plus I made two new friends. Are you proud of me?" Carter I am so proud of you. I love you buddy! Don't grow up too fast!


  1. That MRs. White is some hot stuff. I don't know why Rhett is passing on that one. lol I'm glad Carter had a good first day of school. Jace doesn't start preschool until Sep. 10th. I can't wait.

  2. and i thought it was strange that david was one of two white kids in his class. the other white kid is his friend ryley from preschool. is this showing the population growth of hispanics in the west?! i know that carter's going to love kindergarten and now he and david are in the same grade, fun. is carters school uniform? i like that if it is.
