Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My new Label maker/ Day with the Twins

Lately it seems everyone has asked me how I do it... my life that is. I sat down to think about what I really do and so here it is! How I do it? I have no clue, but I'm learning to roll with the punches!

This is my life in a nut shell. We wake up about 6:15 and have cereal and milk. The cereal for the babies is usually poured onto the carpet so they can munch it through out the day or that's what Rhett thinks anyway. ;) Then we play as the twins run around the house. After they pull out all the toys and every piece of tupperware in the kitchen it time to go outside and swing. After a few minutes it's time for nap time for Hunter and Ryker!
I help Carter get his homework done and play with Taylor while the babies nap for and hour. Then after picking up all the tupperware and throwing it back in the cupboard it's time for lunch for everyone. 
Right after lunch we play for a few minutes then get everyone ready to walk Carter to school. The babies love the stroller and Taylor loves to walk with Carter. After walking Carter to school it's time for the babies second nap. 
I play with Taylor and usually work on colors or letters and then... a quiet time movie which I usually curl up with Taylor and fall asleep. Then we walk and pick up Carter!
When Carter gets home we all go outside and play for at least an hour. The babies love the little pool and just crawling/walking around putting little rocks or grass in their mouths and me fishing it out. Taylor and Carter love the sand box. They have poured TONS of water in it and made it, "the beach." It is so messy, but fun! 
At around 4:00 we all get hosed off and head in for a short cartoon while mommy tries to figure out what to make for dinner. She then calls daddy and tells him if he wants something delicious to eat he'll have to pick it up. ;) j/k.  or am I? The twins love to be in the kitchen helping mommy make dinner. While I make dinner they pull out all the tupperware I had just recently put away and snack on dried up food that has fallen out of the their high chairs. Gross I know!
After a delicious home made dinner, heated up straight from the freezer, we head out doors to play a few more minutes, then bath and mommy's favorite time of the day... bedtime! The big boys love it too, we have been reading the chapter book, Willy Wonka. It's so fun to talk it through with them.
At 7:30 you would think that my day would end, but really it's just getting started. I have to clean up the kitchen, do the dishes, pick up toys, vacuum the floors, and pick up all the bloody tupperware that the twins have pulled out again! Not to mention start the and fold the laundry! I usually roll into bed at 11:00, sometimes Rhett is there, but it seems lately he has still been at the lab most the time! It sounds like my life totally blows, but I really do love it, and the reason why is because my kids love me. They love to give me hugs and smiles. They are growing up so fast I just want to take full advantage of while they are still little!

I got a label maker from my mom fro my birthday and the kids love it. We have labeled lots of things. We labeled their Halloween buckets, Carter's water bottle, a couple bins in their closet, and lots of other fun little things. Thanks for the label maker mom! It's so fun! The thing that we labeled that was our very favorite though was Hunter and Ryker! We thought it was a pretty great idea even though we can tell them apart we loved having them labeled! 

This picture is a little scary of Ryker. Carter took it and was a little too close!

They love walking around the house. They are very good at it now!

This is them spinning in the office chair. It's good to be a baby! So fun!

I thought this was cute. Hunter is playing peek-a-boo with Ryker. We were doing it to him just minutes before!

This is when they saw each other and noticed the labels! Trying to take off each others. 

Dinner Time

Swinging Time

Bed Time

Here is a little video of the babies walking. They are getting very good.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Problem Child?

Can you say middle child? This kid is driving me nuts! He is so mean to the babies and whines all the time! I have gotten this look a lot lately from him. He is such a cutie though and that is why I haven't killed him! He reminds me of the little boy on problem child that throws all the little girls presents in the pool. 

Taylor's mad face! I get this look when he doesn't get something he wants!

Look closely at his face in this one. Right after I clicked this picture he shoved both babies head together and made them both cry.

This is him trying to give Hunter a kiss. Hunter didn't really want a kiss from Taylor.
This is him taking the kiss he wanted from Hunter!

He was so excited to feed the ducks goldfish crackers. He thought is was so funny!

The ducks loved him because he threw handfuls while the rest of us only threw in one or two!

Again, check out that mean little face. Even after me telling him to be nice He still shoved his face into that little door!

But what a cute little mug he has!

How can you not be totally in love with a face like that. Now if I can just figure out how to MAKE him be nice to the twins. 

Thumb Sucking

Hunter sucks his thumb. A LOT! I haven't really worried about it until just recently. I think it's going to be a bugger to get him off of it. I guess I started worrying when Rhett noticed that his two middle teeth on the bottom have a very slight curve in, supposedly from sucking his thumb. I tried to slap his little hand and take it out several times, but it just hurt his feelings. Then I decided to duct tape it. That didn't work either! I will have to keep trying new things. I have ultrasound pictures of him in the womb sucking his thumb, so it's going to be a tough habit to break. Wish me luck!

The duct tape was hilarious to watch though. He put his thumb in to suck it and a look of pure confusion was on his face! Then he just tried to bite it off!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We went to Disneyland over the weekend and had a blast! We dropped the twins off at Melanie's house, thank you again, so that we could have a good time with just the big boys! We went on labor day to Disneyland which I thought was going to be really horrible, but it wasn't that bad. We also hit it up the next day for several hours!

Some noteworthy things that happened-

Rhett had a brilliant idea to be there right at open on Monday to hit all the big rides and get switch rider passes. It was awesome because it wasn't busy yet so we hit Indiana Jones, the thunder railroad, splash mountain, and space mountain and got 2 switch rider passes that we could use later in the day! Smart move babe! We didn't wait in line more than 10 minutes the whole day!

While Carter and I were riding splash mountain it broke down. We were right at the top of the mountain as they unloaded everyone. We walked down the ramp and down through the back side of the ride to get out. Carter was so excited and kept saying, "This is so awesome" the entire time we walked down. The ride attendant thought he was the cutest boy ever. She asked if I would wait behind and talk to her after she gave everyone a fast pass to get back on later in the day! She gave Carter 3 "choice" rides that he could use to go through the exit and get right on because he was so cute and excited about the whole thing. He could use these passes on whatever ride he wanted to and it admitted up to 6 people!

Taylor cracked his face on the cement!

While waiting for Rhett to get off of California Soaring we were waiting on this bench in the shade and a guy from Ukraine was sitting by us. He was eating grapes and Taylor looked right at him and said, "Hey you eat those grapes?" The guy smiled and asked me if he could have one and I nodded and thanked him for sharing. Taylor curled right up next to him and shared 10 grapes with him while he loved every minute of it! When his party returned he introduced them to me and Taylor and thanked me for sharing my son. Then he reached and gave him a hug and 3 more grapes! It was very sweet!

We ate every meal at Disneyland, which we never do, because it is so expensive. We had enough Disney dollars to pay for it all... so to us it was free! 

Grandma's Hotail!

My all time favorite picture is below when we were on Pirates and you go down that first drop! Carter face says it all. Take a look at Taylor's eyes too! What a crack up!

A day without strollers! First time ever for us! Taylor was a champ and just needed a ride on daddies shoulder's a few times!

Carter's favorite ride this time was the Grizzly Bear Rapids. He used his pass to get me and daddy to go with him. I got soaked, but not nearly as bad as Rhett did! Carter was laughing the entire time and made it especially fun for everyone on our little boat!

Taylor loved the characters! He loved getting to give them a hug! He saw Pooh Bear, Tigger, Eeyore, Sully, Snow White, Pluto, Mickey, Minnie, Max, and Aladdin. He had a blast this time!

The boys were extremely nice to each other! Overall a fantastic trip to Disneyland! Thanks all for the help with the twins and letting us use the time share!

The Tram
Rhett Jungle Cruise Line
Pirates drop off! Love the look on the boys faces! Priceless!

Splash Mountain right before we had to get out!
Indiana Jones
Taylor taking a breather! Rhett you are such an awesome dad!
Taylor was being a pirate with a hook and eyepatch! He LOVED Snow White! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So we went to disneyland for labor day and Carter had us cracking up the entire time. The things he says really make me giggle. Rhett was watching Taylor while me and Carter did the ride California Soaring. They had this little rocket that was shooting mist so the two of them were playing in it when Taylor slipped on the wet cement and cracked his face on it. The poor little guy got a bloody nose and a fat lip. Rhett took him over and got him cleaned off then sat on the bench to wait for us. 

When I got out Taylor had fallen asleep. He woke up while we were getting some lunch and I asked him if he was feeling okay. He told me he hurt his nose and I gave him a kiss so he would feel better! Carter looked right at Taylor and said, "I'm gonna tell you the truth buddy... dad pushed you."

Where does he get these things? Me and Rhett just looked at each other and cracked up. It's good that Taylor remembered falling on the "slippy wada."

I will post some pics from the trip a little later.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Too Many Changes!

I really want to know what happened to my sweet little baby Ryker. For the first 9 months of his life he was the happiest most content baby in the world. All that has changed! 

It seems like they have changed places! This picture was of Hunter. He has always been a little bit of a drama queen. He wanted to be in my arms 24/7. 

He was always whining or crying, but Ryker rarely ever cried. Only when he needed something did he shed any tears. Occasionally he had his off days when he needed me more than others. Thankfully when Ryker was in a needy mood Hunter seemed to have an okay day. I think that Heavenly Father knew I couldn't handle two crying babies at the same time. 

Anyway, I think that I have made my point that they have had completely differently personalities. Hunter is my "drama queen" and Ryker is my "dough boy."

Lately I have been observing them and it seems that Ryker is really having a hard time adjusting to all the changes that have happened in his life. We moved to Las Vegas recently and shortly after we got here Rhett had to go to Officer's Training in Alabama for 5 weeks. 

Other changes-

I took away the binky right before we moved here and the bottle just recently.

I think that the reason that Hunter has had an easier time adjusting to it is that he sucks his thumb. So that is something I couldn't take away. Trust me I have tried. :)

As of recently Ryker totally whines about everything. ALL the time. 

I had never seen a one year old throw a temper tantrum until the other day when I gave Ryker his new sippy cup. He grabbed it right out my hand and threw it. Then he threw his face into the carpet. When I went over to give him some hugs he was trying to smack my hands away.

On a side note-

You know all the cute little things that you teach your babies? Like clapping hands, waving bye bye, and shaking your head no. Hunter is very much digging doing all these new fun things.

Ryker refuses to do any of them. I know he can clap his hands because he will go over by the bookshelf and do it by himself, but heaven forbid I ever ask him to do it. I can't help but feel like my baby hates my guts! I know that every child has their own personality and he, I have no doubt, will do these things when he wants too, but at least try to cheer up Ryker! Life is good! If this is pay back for you being such a sweet baby for the first nine months and would love the next nine months to be centered around you... you got it buddy! I love you and am so glad that you are my baby!

Anyone have any thoughts? Maybe I should give him back the bottle or something?!?

Sorry if this post doesn't make any sense. I started writing it really late last night! :)

Oh yeah and a side note- Both babies HATE Taylor with a passion and I totally don't blame them. All he does is sit on them and take their milk away! Naughty little monkey. I guess every once in a while he does get them laughing, but the tears quickly follow! Anyone want a two year old?