Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So we went to disneyland for labor day and Carter had us cracking up the entire time. The things he says really make me giggle. Rhett was watching Taylor while me and Carter did the ride California Soaring. They had this little rocket that was shooting mist so the two of them were playing in it when Taylor slipped on the wet cement and cracked his face on it. The poor little guy got a bloody nose and a fat lip. Rhett took him over and got him cleaned off then sat on the bench to wait for us. 

When I got out Taylor had fallen asleep. He woke up while we were getting some lunch and I asked him if he was feeling okay. He told me he hurt his nose and I gave him a kiss so he would feel better! Carter looked right at Taylor and said, "I'm gonna tell you the truth buddy... dad pushed you."

Where does he get these things? Me and Rhett just looked at each other and cracked up. It's good that Taylor remembered falling on the "slippy wada."

I will post some pics from the trip a little later.

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