Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Taylor (3)

I really can't believe that it's been 3 years since Taylor was born! He is such a little fireball. He is the child that definitely keeps me on my toes. He has the most kissable little lips and has the cutest little grin ever though! Those would be the reasons that we haven't done the safe haven law with him! He loves his little brothers and is still working on being kind to them. His hero is Carter right now and wants to follow him around and do everything that he's doing ALL the time! Happy Birthday Baby!!! We love you and are so glad you're in our family!

When I asked Taylor hat he wanted for his birthday he gave me two answers- (1) Hamburgers and (2) Pizza. He is still at that sweet age where his life revolves around food! So for lunch today we took the kids over to McDonalds and bought them happy meals and let them play for 2 hours! When we had finished eating I surprised him by pulling out some cupcakes for dessert. He laughed and said, "Mom I love muff cakes." I guess he couldn't decide if they were cup cakes or muffins! :) He is such a cutie! I'm going to miss that toddler talk. He is getting so big!

We opened presents and decorated the house with signs and balloons then topped off the night with pizza for dinner! A little boys heaven! He had a wonderful day!

Blowing out the candles on his very own pizza!

His muff cakes!

Me and my sweet big boys!

Me and the babies! They loved the french fries!

Blowing his whistle! Those got thrown away right when we got home!

Present time!

Happy Birthday Little Man! We Love YOU!


  1. SWEET, he's out the terrible two's! HA hA HA . .if only it were that simple. I'm glad he had a birthday filled with food he likes. . .like 'muff' cakes! :) Craig and Brooke are pretty food motivated too. I talked Craig into doing my challenge but he hasn't gotten the 'no eating junkfood' at all yet. Just too hard to give up his sour patch kids, gummy bears, and licorice.

  2. he is definitely a cutie!! happy birthday taylor!

  3. Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I remember when your Momma got a gumball machine for Christmas. Save up your pennies--Have a fun 3rd Year.
