Saturday, December 28, 2013

Color Me Rad 5K

I have a few things on my bucket list. One of them was to run a color run. Another one was to run in a tutu. I thought I would knock them both off my list for my birthday. My Dad's birthday is a week before my own so I bought us both tickets for the color run. I also bought one for Carter and kids run free. Carter unfortunately broke his collarbone and was out so Julie took his ticket. She also took all of my kids. She is so AWESOME! Thanks Julie. I know you had a rough 5k. :)

We bought a few extra color packets to throw at each other during the race. I was fun. 

Julie and Dillan getting ready for the race.

The three of us started together and Julie opted to take the stroller with the other three little ones. I told Dad to take off and I would go at Taylor's pace. He did such a great job. He needs to work on his pacing a little, but I was so proud of him. We hardly walked at all. 

It was so much fun. We ran through several color stations and got sprayed with all sorts of colors. Taylor was loving it. He would try to dodge the people throwing chalk. It was such a fun mess!!!

Taylor and I after the race!

Julie's crew-

After the race we all got together and threw our chalk in the air. It was such a huge color bomb. So cool!

After running this race I have definitely decided I need to DO MORE RAD STUFF!

Phone update-

The babies found another pet. They love praying mantis' They truly are so cool. It reminded me of our first pet squidward. All the spider hunts to find her food. Yuck! lol

The other day we were running a little late on everything. Dinner, baths, bedtime. It happens when you have four kids. Anyway, I got the twins out and sent them in to put on pajamas. It was too cold. They ended up just falling asleep on the floor before I could go help them. Poor little poops!

I found this note in Taylor's backpack. I agree. He is special!

He has been struggling with the distance from Dad a little more than the others. I decided he needed a special date. We had an away game so I packed us a scrumptious lunch full of Taylor's favorite snacks and picked him up early from school. We rode the bus together and all the girls fell in love with him. Coach had brought his son as well so it was perfect. Zach kind of kept an eye out for him while I was coaching the team.

I left the kids cookies with a note. Its hard when I have away games and don't get to see my babies right after school. When I got home they had all written me thank you notes for the cookies. I heart them!

I get to help out with centers in the twins kindergarten class. I have come to really love this time. They love that I'm there helping out and I love that I get to see them. They are total cuties!

Julie let the kids play with her rabbits. They feel like they need a pet. I disagree. I clean up enough stuff. Maybe when they are older and can take care of a pet I will reconsider. 

The babies were too cold to get dressed and I came in and they were both sound asleep on the floor in their towels. They are complete nuts. 

I took Taylor to a volleyball game to get a little one on one time with him. The next week I went to grab the kids from school and Hunter said," Remember that today is our special day?" I dropped the other boys off at the house and the two of us hit up McDonalds before the volleyball game. It's not a special date without a happy meal. :) Love my little ones so much!

I also got to go on a special lunch date with my big boy on my birthday. He was still out from the broken collarbone. It was such a special day. I love when I get to spend alone time with them. It makes it really special for both of us. 

Carter Broken Collarbone

I got a phone call from the school regarding Carter. They said he was outside at recess playing kickball and had fallen into a hole in the field and had hurt himself. Carter is a pretty tough cookie so I knew immediately when I saw him that he was hurt bad. 

I took him to the doctors office where they confirmed he had a broken collarbone. They sent us to an orthopedic surgeon to take a few more x-rays. They were concerned he might need surgery to fix it. Thankfully, the orthopedic surgeon said it should heal on its on. 

He was hurting pretty bad for about 3 weeks. They gave him some loritab and I bought him a rootbeer. It definitely made things better. He was out of school for a week.

Cancer Awareness Game

For Cancer awareness month we played a pink game. It was a fundraiser where all of the money made from the game went to a family in the community. Their son was in the high school and diagnosed with leukemia. They were able to raise money by charging admission into the game, raffling off the volleyballs, and auctioning off their jerseys after the game. 

It was a fun event.

I won one of the volleyballs and my jersey said Sundberg on the back for my cousin who suffered from leukemia. All of the girls had someone written on the back of their jerseys. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A quick trip to Vegas

We planned a quick trip to Vegas to see Justin and Julie. It was a nice break from reality. It made me laugh to see all the slot machines in gas stations again. 

Julie had a lot of video games and my kids were in HEAVEN! 

My love and I reunited. Unfortunately, my waist is not loving it. I need to stop munching on Krispy Kreme. Yum, yum, yum. So good!

I picked up a load for my Mom and drove it home. All the kids fell asleep so it was a nice relaxing drive home. 

It was eerily spooky in the gorge with all the fog and rain. 

Random Fun from my phone-

I got to take a bike ride for Carter's scouting. We needed to ride a mile. We rode three because we are so freaking awesome at life. 

Grandma's business is really cool. There are always boxes to make forts and play in. We love it.

I love that Carter is such a good big brother. I also love that he can read now. These pictures melt my heart because I didn't ask Carter to read to him. He just started and all the little boys were loving it. I quickly snagged a picture and they all looked at me. lol

These two little ones are such a fun part of my life. I can't even imagine what my life would have been like if we had stopped after Taylor. They bring so much love and joy into my life. I am one lucky Mom. I love you guys!

It's football season! Yay! That means... I skip out of church early to come home and watch the packers play. I even converted Taylor to being a packers fan with me. I bought him his own jersey and I love when he comes and sits on my lap while we watch the game. :)

Hunter & Ryker have learned to write their names. Unfortunately, they are writing them on everything.

Facetime with Dad. They love it!