Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Random Fun from my phone-

I got to take a bike ride for Carter's scouting. We needed to ride a mile. We rode three because we are so freaking awesome at life. 

Grandma's business is really cool. There are always boxes to make forts and play in. We love it.

I love that Carter is such a good big brother. I also love that he can read now. These pictures melt my heart because I didn't ask Carter to read to him. He just started and all the little boys were loving it. I quickly snagged a picture and they all looked at me. lol

These two little ones are such a fun part of my life. I can't even imagine what my life would have been like if we had stopped after Taylor. They bring so much love and joy into my life. I am one lucky Mom. I love you guys!

It's football season! Yay! That means... I skip out of church early to come home and watch the packers play. I even converted Taylor to being a packers fan with me. I bought him his own jersey and I love when he comes and sits on my lap while we watch the game. :)

Hunter & Ryker have learned to write their names. Unfortunately, they are writing them on everything.

Facetime with Dad. They love it!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Carter reading to the boys totally melts my heart! What a sweetheart! I miss bike rides and running with Daddio! Nice bike by the way!
