Thursday, October 3, 2013


Jon, Reid and Myself. Love these boys!

Rhett signed me up for the Med Group intramural volleyball team the very first year that we moved to Japan. I have always loved volleyball and had a blast. I continued to play for the next 2 years and made lifelong friends.

Two of my very favorite were Jon Roe and Samuel Kauth. I love them both like crazy. They were there for me when I really needed someone and will never forget their kindness.

I am super short so I got to play setter. I had a blast.
Sometimes I got to hit outside. :)

This year I got to play with Roe on the CE intramural team. We were undefeated going into the championship game, but my flight left earlier in the day. :( They ended up losing and coming in second.  Still total rockstars!!

One of my very favorite people in the world. Love you Roe!

Some of my other volleyball friends.

I would feel bad if I didn't post a picture of Sam with my volleyball pictures. He moved before intramurals started, but is still having a blast playing in Germany. Totally love this guy. He has helped me through so much while living in Japan. He was one of my first friends I met while playing volleyball. Such an amazing friend!


  1. So jealous. I loved Volleyball in Washington. I guess I'll have to wait until after this baby comes to try and find a team here...

  2. I'm glad you found some buddies playing vball. Looks like you had a blast.
