Thursday, March 20, 2014

New Start

I have to say that I have really been struggling lately. I got divorced and am really having a hard time finding the purpose of my life now. I have never really been a sad or depressed person, but I have been feeling pretty down lately.

I feel like my biggest problem is that I planned this amazing life with Rhett and now that we aren't together I am feeling a little empty. He was my best friend for 12 years and it's hard to turn off feelings completely. I know it will just take time, but it has been much harder than I thought it would be. I truly wish Rhett happiness with his new life and I know we will always be apart of each other's lives because we have amazing kids together. That is a light in my life right now.

I just made some big decisions about a place to live for the boys and I and have decided to try to live without Facebook for awhile. I need to focus my attention on my kids and be the best Mom that I can be. I truly want to raise amazing boys and teach them what life is really about. I also don't need the drama that comes along with Facebook.

So with that being said, I am going to start blogging again. I want to remember these times with the boys. I want to look back and know that I was the best person that I could be during the hard times of my life and the easy times. I want them to know that they are my whole world, and I want them to be happy and enjoy life.

Wish me luck on this crazy new adventure of growing up.


  1. Oh Becky, I love you so much!! I'm sorry you are going through such a hard time. You are a great mommy and I'm glad for you that you are focusing on that. Facebook is such a time waster most of the time. I will be following you via blogger and can't wait to see everyone next month for Jessica's wedding.

  2. Oh Becky Boo! I'm so sorry you are having a rough time. I'm stoked to come home and see you and those fabulous boys and I've missed seeing your posts on the blog. You are such a crack up and I love your positive outlook on life. Cheers to getting off facebook! It is such a time waster, and you have great people around to support and play with. I'm excited to see your new place. :)

  3. I love you Bec! I'm so sorry that life is hard sometimes. Look at the wonderful things you DO have. 4 adorable little boys. You are an amazing Momma, so much fun! Things will get better. Take your problems to the Lord. He will help you. God has a plan for you--he loves you. So do I. I'm glad you are my daughter. :)
