We have had a busy month and I wanted to share just a few of things that have been happening around here! First, Carter is back in school. The home school thing was TOO hard with three extra little kids running around. I HATE the schools in Vegas so my mom gave me an alternative... to live at her house during the week! It's really hard to be away from Rhett, but honestly, we didn't see him very much with his residency going on anyway! So we are living in Hurricane during the school days and then we go home on the weekends... or Rhett comes here for the weekend!
This was from Dr. Suess' Birthday! The schools here have had tons of really fun activities for Carter to participate in. Although, I did drop the ball on Grandparents lunch day though. Oops!

Carter thought this was such a fun day! They just read stories ALL day!

The babies are in pack n plays instead of the cribs and their favorite thing to do is to throw EVERYTHING out. They do this on purpose so they won't ever be able to fall asleep because they are only on the bars! It drives me NUTS!!! Every night I go in and redo their bed and blankets several times. Obviously this night I just let him live with the consequences of throwing out his bedding! Both babies think it the best game ever!

This is a picture Carter drew at church. When he brought it home he said, "Look Mom, this is me and Jesus!" Taylor leans over me and looks at the picture for a minute then states, "No, that ME and Jesus." This went back and forth several times before Carter was almost in tears and yells, "Mom can you please write my name on the paper!"

My little cheese balls.

My little blonde's! These little babies just adore their big brothers! They follow them around mimicking whatever they are doing!