Friday, March 26, 2010

Obsessed with Hats!

The babies LOVE hats and anything that they can use as a hat! They walk around all day with little things on their heads! The only time they really won't wear a hat is when they are outside and it's suppose to be shading their bald little heads! It's only fun to wear a hat when you can take it off and on by yourself! The other day they were helping me with laundry and found the cutest little hats, or underwear, and had the whole family giggling at their silliness! What cute little bugs!

Hunter at dinner with his little bowl as a hat!

Hunter was the first to discover these precious little hats!

I promise they are clean underwear!


Sorry about the pictures. They are coming from the phone. Hopefully I will get my camera fixed soon! It's such a bummer to not have it right now!

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