Friday, June 25, 2010

Busy Busy Babies!!!

Here is what I have been up to since we got back from Belize a couple days ago-


It started while I was doing the dishes. Hunter pulled a BIG bag of popcorn out of the garbage can, along with the rest of the trash. He decided to share with Ryker by pouring it out all over the floor. I then decided it was time for the babies nap. They were quiet for a couple minutes but then I heard Carter say.... "Mom, You had better come look at this." I went into the bedroom and they had pulled off their pants and diapers and spread poo everywhere along with tearing up their room. I asked Carter to watch them while I cleaned the poo off the carpet. I made it fast because Carter is not the best babysitter. I went into my bedroom when I heard them laughing and found them both on top of the sink smearing shampoo all over the mirrors.

I can honestly say... I forgot how HARD my job is!

After all that naughty behavior these two were so tuckered out they fell asleep in their highchairs!

I truly believe that terrible two's start at 18 months and go into they are 3 1/2. Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The last couple weeks

The last couple weeks have been EXTREMELY busy! We are back in Vegas and loving being back home, but have had little time to rest so far! There is SO much to get done before we head to Japan! Rhett just got his (RIPS) or temporary orders so we have been trying to get everybody Dr. appointments, and Dental appointments! Today I was one the phone for several hours trying to get us all in asap.

Anyway, we have done the museum and played at the park several times and it is definitely starting to really warm up here in Vegas! I made my mom a deal while we were staying with her that I would let the babies hair grow while we were there! Carter has been thrilled because it is now long enough to spike up! They look so much like little Carter's now!

Rhett and I are headed to Belize next week for a dental mission trip and I am so excited to see him in his element! I'm WAY nervous about leaving the kids though because we won't be able to see them for almost two weeks, but feel good that they will be in excellent hands. Thank you everyone who will be babysitting while we are away!

The babies are old enough to really like things and be scared of other things. When we were at the museum they have these life size dinosaurs that roar and it scared the life out of the twins. They wouldn't even walk past them... I had to carry them to get to another section of the museum. Their favorite thing was the eels. They just laughed and laughed that is was so close to the glass!

Carter and Taylor are being such great helpers lately. It has really made me appreciate them! Here are a few updated pictures of the kids.

Hunter stills sucks his thumb and he always has a hand down his shirt or pants lately. Little twerp! Look at that spiky hair though!

Ryker with his little spikes! They are getting SO big.

Ryker at the park. He was MAD that we took away the drink.

Ryker eating his KFC snacker!

Hunter eating and playing at the park. It amazes me that they are almost two!

Taylor before he got his hair cut. They took almost an entire inch off the top. :)

Carter lost his two top teeth! What a cutie!

Ryker LOVING the eel! He would have stayed there all day if we would have let them!

My four little ones- looking at the sharks!

I love how much they love each other! It makes me happy that they are all such close friends!

Hunter giving Ryker a random hug- PRICELESS! That makes my day when they hug and kiss. :)

Carter and his pyramid!

Carter and his little "mini me's."

The big boys stopping for a picture! I just LOVE my family and are so glad that they get along so well together! It has really helped me to get out of the house more that they are such good boys! Sometimes I even leave the stroller in the car! I know... HUGE progress!