Friday, June 25, 2010

Busy Busy Babies!!!

Here is what I have been up to since we got back from Belize a couple days ago-


It started while I was doing the dishes. Hunter pulled a BIG bag of popcorn out of the garbage can, along with the rest of the trash. He decided to share with Ryker by pouring it out all over the floor. I then decided it was time for the babies nap. They were quiet for a couple minutes but then I heard Carter say.... "Mom, You had better come look at this." I went into the bedroom and they had pulled off their pants and diapers and spread poo everywhere along with tearing up their room. I asked Carter to watch them while I cleaned the poo off the carpet. I made it fast because Carter is not the best babysitter. I went into my bedroom when I heard them laughing and found them both on top of the sink smearing shampoo all over the mirrors.

I can honestly say... I forgot how HARD my job is!

After all that naughty behavior these two were so tuckered out they fell asleep in their highchairs!

I truly believe that terrible two's start at 18 months and go into they are 3 1/2. Wish me luck!!!


  1. That's so funny!! At least to me it is because I'm not the one cleaning it up. Looks like you got your work cut out for you. Glad things are back to normal. :)

  2. It's pictures like these that make me want to just adopt a 20 year old. At least they are cute!
