Monday, August 30, 2010

Rainbows & Rain!!!

I just wanted to update how Japan is going so far-

It rains A LOT!!! It rains good and hard, but stops after only a few minutes. It's funny because it will start pouring while the sun is out and there isn't a cloud in the sky. It's like... Where is this coming from? The kids LOVE it though. The rain is different here and is really warm! We put on our swimsuits and run out to play in it! It had been fun! In the van we have 2 sun roofs, so we always make sure the kids can see the rain coming down!

After looking at the on base housing... we have decided to live off base! I was really nervous about this at first, but have learned quite a bit about the japanese culture and am really looking forward to learning more while we live amongst them. One thing I learned is that Japanese people don't take what doesn't belong to them. Most people around here only lock there car or house while living on base! I think that's a little sad that they have to on base, but there you go...some American's try to get something for free when they can. Anyway, we are excited to live off base and have already found a small apartment!

Our apartment is a 3 bedroom, 1400 sf, and is on the 6th floor of the building. The kids love the elevator and are excited to move in in a couple days. We were suppose to move in tomorrow, but due to the typhoon that is going to hit us tomorrow morning at 7:00, we will have to stay in TLF a couple more days. I'm actually a little relieved though, because our apartment is right on the water. I mean RIGHT on the water. The view is killer though!!! I'll post some pictures as soon as we move in!

On another note- We got lost the other day! Rhett was trying to take us to a park his sponsor had shown him, but due to me trying to find the 100 yen store, we ended up on the wrong road. We drove around for 3 1/2 hours looking for the base. The problem with Japan is that ALL the signs are in Japanese and the people just speak Japanese. We pulled over and asked a guy and he tried so hard to explain to me where I needed to go, but in all honesty it was like playing a game of pictionary with a 6 year old. He would point to the light and I would say stop light and he would get so excited and nod his head. It didn't really help, but bless his soul for trying! After calling his sponsor for the third time and ending up at the Naha airport...we finally made it back to the base! I was pretty worried, but Rhett was really great. He was completely calm and even was able to calm me down! It didn't help that it was pitch dark outside!

The pool here has been AWESOME! They have a diving board, a water slide, and a HUGE splash pad area for the kids! The babies love the splash part. Hunter is quite the dare devil and runs right through the center while Ryker will slowly go up and put his toes in. The only way that Ryker gets wet is when Carter grabs him and drags him through them.
We are starting to work with Taylor and his swimming and he is doing great! He prefers to stay in his lifejacket, but will practice with daddy. He is getting a little better, but complains when we are at the pool that he wanted to go to the beach! He loves jumping through the waves and throwing the seaweed at his brothers!
Carter is never seen at the pool. He is ALWAYS on the slide. He also loves to go off the diving board! He tried a flip yesterday and landed right on his back. It was hilarious! He came up crying and I could tell it was hard for Rhett to keep the smile off his face as he consoled him. What a cute little stinker.

Carter started school today too. He is SO excited!!! He goes to Killin Elementary. They are the gecko's. He thought that was really awesome that that made him a Killin' Gecko. It was funny because he told everyone we ran into. He thinks Grandma Olsen should come over and be his teacher! I think she should too. The DoDDs teacher make $1500 a month more than Rhett does! They get paid really well! :) I looked into preschool's for Taylor and they are WAY expensive! It looks like I will be able to use all that home schooling stuff to due a little preschool for Taylor and the twins!

The BX and Commissary run out of stuff really fast! If you see it and like it... you had better buy it right now, because it won't be there in a couple hours! I got Carter's school list and took him shopping. The only thing they had left was back packs and a few pairs of scissors! Oh well! Oh and today it was CRAZY at the BX. We are on T-Core 2 right now. That means that a typhoon is scheduled to hit Kadena in 24 hours! We will be put on T-Core 1 tonight at 7. That means it's within 12 hours. We will have locked down bases and will not be able to go on or off! No school for Carter tomorrow and everyone is stocking up for the electricity to be out for 2 days!
We waited for 2 1/2 hours just to check out with our groceries today. The line wrapped clear around the store and ended up clear over by the produce! By the time we got there... most of my stuff had been squished due to Hunter in the back of the cart! Oh well, it should still taste the same! I also got stuff unloaded and noticed they had helped me throw stuff in the cart too. I'm so glad that they grabbed the bag of tea and 2 cans of dog food! If we run out of food... I'm feeding it to the babies! :)

Anyway, they haven't had a typhoon here in 3 years. It waited for us to get here! :) People are pretty freaked out, but I'm sure we will all be just fine! We love and miss everyone!

We see rainbows ALMOST everyday! The kids love to spot them and honestly they always bring a huge smile to my face! What a beautiful world we live in!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the entertainment! I loved about the tea and dog food!!!! You are so fun--we are really missing you guys. I'm glad you get to see so many rainbows. Take care in that typhoon. I hope you got food that doesn't need to be cooked. Love you guys!
