Monday, September 9, 2013

Torii Beach- 4th of July

For the 4th of July this year we met some friends at Torri Beach for a Musical Festival. 

First stop- Hitting the water. It was a HOT, HOT, HUMID day!

It's hard when you get salt water in your eyes. Poor little buddy!

Mommy's little MERMAID!

Hunter always has the funniest facial expressions. What a nut!

I absolutely LOVE being in the military. I have never in my life felt so patriotic. I miss not hearing colors everyday and the national anthem before watching a movie. 

We got to enjoy a beautiful sunset together with great friends and fireworks after that. :) Perfect day!!!


Our last trip to Okuma.

This was one of our favorite places on Okinawa. It was a little military resort about 1 1/2 hours from our house. It made for a nice little getaway when we needed a vacation.

We had fun playing on the beach, catching hermit crabs, playing golf, hiking, and swimming in the ocean looking for fish.

It was such a great time.

This guy was HUGE!

I am going to miss the beach so much! What a beautiful island we had the opportunity to live on.

We played mini golf and it was hilarious as usual. Rhett ended up beating me by one point. Little turkey. I'm sure he cheated somehow! :)

Rhett was able to take the two "big" guys golfing while I took the "little" guys on a hike. I have to say that I got the better half of that deal. 

We had such a blast catching hermit crabs, and butterflies. 

Love these little munchkins. They truly light up my life so much. They are a total crackup. They do and say the FUNNIEST things all the time. 

I love this picture. They truly are best friends. Ryker was showing off his hermit crab. 

Anyone that knows me knows that I am terrified of spiders. This island was hard to live on in this aspect. The spiders were seriously bigger that my hand outstretched. YUCK!

Taking a few minutes to run and jump around.

Rhett and Taylor heading to the green. He is such a great teacher with the boys. He has an amazing amount of patience. 

We got finished with our hike long before the golfers. We did catch them on one hole and Rhett let me have a try. It was a three par and I knocked the crap out of that ball. I mean it was such a beautiful shot. It landed right on the green a few feet from the hole. The boys were super impressed and Taylor even made the comment that Mom was way better than Dad was. lol. 

I ended up with a bogie. Oops. I guess I better learn how to putt.

Pool Fun

One of the boys very favorite places to go during the Summer was the pool. I personally thought it was NUTS since we lived right next to the beach. I would rather go there any day over the pool. The boys liked the pool because it didn't hurt their eyes and they weren't covered in sand. 

Noah's dive looked like it HURT. I was laughing hard! Nothing like a belly flop off the diving board .

Everyone really got into the diving this trip. Ryker was pretty awesome. Hard to dive in a lifejacket. 

We seriously hit the pool almost everyday after lunch. It was the prefect way to spend the afternoon. Just relaxing in the nice cool water watching your little ones make memories together. The kids loved going down the water slide, the diving board, and just learning to swim.