Monday, September 9, 2013

Taylor's "Farm House" Play-

Taylor had a play and I had something I had to do that morning and was nervous I was going to miss it.  I got there just a few minutes before it started and Taylor didn't see me. I saw him looking all around and his poor little head fell thinking that his parents missed it. :( It was breaking me heart and I just wanted to shout out to him that I was there and proud of him.

After his class sat down he looked over and saw me. His entire face lit up and I actually started to tear up a little. What a little sweetheart. I was so glad that I was able to be there for his special moment. He was so happy. 

Taylor was a Farmer in the barn house. They had some pretty cute musical numbers.

Mommy's adorable little FARMER!

He got another surprise when his Daddy had hustled over to catch the very end. He did such a cute job!

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