Monday, November 16, 2009

Field Trip Monday- Animal Care

This week for field trip Monday we learned about animal care! We took the kids to Pet Smart and learned about what different animals need to live. The different types of food and cages. The little boys thought this was such a fun trip. Taylor loved looking at all the mice and birds, but the real hit was all the FISH! We were there forever watching the fish swim. Julie took the time to teach the little boys the difference between animals that you can have as pets and wild animals! It wasn't my favorite field trip that we have had, but the boys thought it was the most fun! They love animals and Carter asked me daily if they can have a dog. The answer has and will probably always be NO!

After pet smart we went over to my brother Jeremy's house and played with their two little ferrets! Ferrets are really cute, but I think they stink too bad to ever want one! The babies thought they were great! Ryker was chasing that silly little ferret all over their living room! It was fun to play with the cousins! Thanks for letting us come and see your pets Brittany!  

Julie showing Taylor the Hamsters!

Carter took this of me and the babies! I thought it was cute that Hunter was just staring at me!

Taylor and Julie loving the turtles!

The babies wondering when lunch time is!

All the fish!!!

Carter came up and asked if I would take a picture of him and Patrick Star!

Hand sanitizing everyone when the field trip was over! It was fun to learn about animals! Thanks Jules You certainly know a lot more about them than I do! Carter's favorite part of the whole field trip was when Julie gave him a ton of different scenarios about animals in the wild and what he should do!

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