Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween this year was a little different. Julie took "Cowboy Carter" to the bull riding finals so we just had the three little ones. We went to the ward party and ate chili, cake, and did some tick-or-treating. The kids had a great time. Rhett dressed up as Michael Jackson and was the hit of the party! I dressed up as a soldier with the babies, and Taylor dressed up as a cowboy like Carter. I feel really bad that I don't have any pictures of Carter..... I know bad mom award.... but in my defense he left earlier in the day with Julie, Justin, and my dad.

One highlight of the evening is that our neighbor across the street, Bob, had been harassing me ALL week to make sure I would take my kids to trick-or-treat at his house. He came over and asked what their favorite little candies were and if they had any allergies. He is a pretty sweet old guy. We took the three little ones over after the ward party and he gave them each a little bag that had a couple of candy bars and a toy car in it. The funny thing was when he gave me and Rhett a little "treat." He told us to put it in our pocket. When we got home and unwrapped it it was a little bottle of alcohol. What a funny guy. After last nights ER visit I may drink mine and Rhett's. lol Anyway it was a fun holiday. We had all our kids in bed by 7:00 and curled up on the couch together to watch a scary movie! 

The line for the food was a little long. I couldn't keep Taylor from laying down to take a little rest! 

Bob's treats! Only in Vegas!!!


  1. You look hot in your army gettup - sexy lady!

  2. Rhett should have gone as HOUSE - he would have just had to put some grey in his hair and carry around a cane spouting inappropriate comments to everyone. HA HA HA J/K

  3. Taylor looks SO cute!! The Michael Jackson thing was a little freaky, 'cause Michael Jackson is a little freaky. You and the twins do army green good. Love you--thanks for sharing!
