Monday, April 26, 2010

Copy Cat Carter

Today Carter learned a new game at school! It's called Copy Cat. You guys all know the game that I'm talking about! We have all played it at least once in our lives. Here's how my afternoon went-

Hey Carter, did you have a good day at school?
(Carter) Hey Carter, did you have a good day at school?

Hmm, you're pretty funny!
Hmm, you're pretty funny!

Do you have any homework tonight?
(Carter) Do you have any homework tonight?

So now that you remember the game... I had a really proud moment with Carter today! This had been going on for just over an hour when I thought I would throw him for a loop!

Hey, my name's Carter and I'm a tutti butt!
(Carter) Hey, my name's Carter and you're a tutti butt!

I was SO proud. What a smart boy to be able to switch that around with ZERO hesitation! Son you make me proud!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Carter's teacher pulled me aside a couple of days ago and told me that Carter had told her we were moving! She then asked me where, Pajam was. Carter had meant to say Japan and just got a little confused I guess! What a sweet boy!

This picture is horrible, but I wanted a semi recent one of us together. Carter looks like he's going to throw up and I still had stitches in my teeth from the surgery Rhett did on my mouth!

These kids are growing up so fast. I wanted to take a quick picture to show everyone how big they are getting! This is a typical family picture too. I have one not looking, one pulling a face, one cheesing it, and one sucking his fingers! Hmm, I need to train them a little better!

I thought I needed to at least post one picture of Ryker where he isn't crying! He really is a pretty good baby! He loves to be outside and LOVES to be held. He eats like a garbage disposal. It is one of his favorite things to do. He doesn't talk nearly as much as Hunter but grunts and lets you know exactly what he needs! He is kind of a bully or silent manipulator and just loves being the baby!

Sleeping Angel's!

I seriously LOVE pictures of my kids sleeping. They just seems more angelic when they aren't yelling or talking back. The big boys sleep on the floor in my room while we are at my mom's and they always have the funniest positions! They will totally be snugglers when they get married. They are so much like their daddy!

I love Taylor's arm around Carter!

Cute little bugs!

Daddy and his babies!

When we were home during the weekend we had a little poo experience so I went in the babies room to clean up the mess and had Rhett watch all the kids while I was scrubbing carpets! It was gross, but this made it all worth it when I got back in my room. They were so tired they just cuddled right up onto Rhett and the three of them fell asleep! Rhett I just want you to know that you are such a great dad and a wonderful husband!!! I love you so much and appreciate all the stress and hard work that you are doing to provide a better life for me and the kids! I can't wait until Carter gets out of school and I can snuggle you at night! Thank you for all you do!

The trampoline!

My kids absolutely LOVE to go outside and jump on the trampoline! They could spend hours outside. Carter is getting pretty good at doing his front flip too. The babies love the tramp also unless the big boys are on it with them. Hunter likes to jump with the big boys, but Ryker is a total baby and doesn't like to be bounced up and down!

Taylor showing me his big jump with Carter jumping at Hunter in the background!

Carter's front flip! Way to go buddy!

Hunter wondering why Ryker is crying!

The "typical" Ryker jumping on the trampoline look. Pleading for me to take him off!

I just love that the kids go outside and play. The weather has been perfect lately!

I have total mixed feelings about buying them their own trampoline when we move into a home. When I was about Carter's age I fell off the tramp and had to get stitches in my head. When I was in fifth grade I got bounced by some friends and broke my leg! I still totally love the tramp and want my kids to being able to have as much fun as we did as kids. Some of our greatest memories were sleeping on the tramp and playing outside with friends! We made up a game called "The button Room" and would be out there for hours and hours just playing and using our imagination!

Once while me and Julie had a little camp out on the trampoline, a couple of neighbor boys came over and threw firecrackers under the tramp. Julie had been telling us scary stories and it about did me in. We decided to go over to the neighbor's and play games. While we were there my parents had come out to check on us. Oops! We totally knew we were in trouble when we got back home and the tent we had set up had been taken down. I'm pretty sure we got grounded for that one. :)

Anyway, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before we go and buy our kids their own trampoline to love and make memories with!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We are going to-

For those of you who don't know already my husband Rhett joined the Air Force his first year of dental school. They paid for his schooling and now he will be working for them for three years. He is doing a one year residency in Las Vegas at Nellis Air Force Base and we have been waiting to find out where we will be stationed for the next three years.

Rhett's top ten!

(1) Kadena, Japan
(2) Germany
(3) Germany
(4) Tokyo, Japan
(5) England
(6) England
(7) Italy
(8) Alaska
(9) Washington
(10) New Jersey

We just found out last week that Rhett got his top pick and we will be headed to Kadena, Japan. It is on the island of Okinawa and we will be moving in August! We are SUPER excited, but it would be a lie if I told you I wasn't a little nervous! We just submitted the paperwork for everyone's passports and are excited for the future!!! Now we just keep our fingers crossed until we get there... they can change his orders up until the day he leaves. :( Anyway, what a great adventure we have coming. I will try to keep the blog updated better when we are there!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

All-time Record!!!

I LOVE playing thumper with the Olsen's. They are down right brutal with each other and I think that's what makes it so darn fun! I find it hard to stress how competitive they play. I guess the best way to state how serious this game is is to say that everything that could be used as a weapon of any sort is checked at the door before entering! lol. I guess it's not quite this extreme YET, but if they can screw you up with your bid.... they totally will at ANY cost! I love it! It is a total blast! Rhett got an all-time score and wanted it posted for the record!!! Good job baby! I am so proud to be married to the Thumper champion! It gives me no greater honor to introduce Rhett Kenneth Olsen, Captain in the Air Force, Dentist, and even more importantly, Thumper Champion!

Congratulations Rhett! I am so truly in love with you, and this is WHY!!! Go ahead and look who got second place too, better luck next time Olsen's. :)

Black Eye

Poor little Carter was outside running after the cousins and ran smack into the side mirror of Chase's car! It knocked the sweet little thing right onto his back. It ended up hitting and bruising his cheek and went right up and gave him a black eye! Poor Carter... it was a tough weekend for quite of few of the group!

Ryan and Chase smeared on their long boards and got skinned up pretty bad and Ryan even broke his collar bone! I hope you guys are feeling a little bit better! Just remember... chicks DIG scars! :)

Carter running into the mirror reminds me of a funny phone call I got about a year ago-
Carter was in kindergarten and I got a call from the school asking if I could come and pick up Carter. I immediately panic figuring he couldn't figure out the belt he had on that day! I ask if he's alright and they inform me that he was playing soccer and ran directly into a tree! I wen to pick him up and he had scrapes clear down his little face. Poor kid. I guess we need to teach him to watch where he's going!


We have loved bowling. We got to go with Aunt Tiffany! thanks Tiff. It was so fun. We started off with an amazing game of air hockey. It was absolutely brutal watching these two trying to get it in the slot! I almost died laughing! It was a pretty close game, but Carter edged him out in the end! The bowling was really fun too. We had all the cousins there so the little boys loved that! Our scores were really amazing too!!! j/k.

A classic pose for the camera. Taylor is totally loving being so close to Carter!

Happy Easter- Eggs

On Thursday while Carter was at school we decided to dye eggs with the little guys! It was fun and messy! When we picked up Carter from school to head over to Melanie's for the weekend he came out totally bragging about his Easter party and Taylor said something about us doing eggs! Carter asked me what he was talking about, so I told him we dyed eggs and he immediately started bawling. Melanie was a great sport and bought stuff to dye eggs over there too! So here is the finished product!

Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a great day! I went back and listened to conference and thought it was inspiring!!! Sorry Olsen's the pictures from dying the eggs didn't get downloaded yet!

No more cribs!

My sweet little babies have big boy beds now! I can't believe how fast the are growing up. The first night they did pretty well, they played for a few minutes and fell asleep on the same bed. It was really cute. They love to get on them and jump. Love you little monkeys!!

I swiped this picture from my brother Justin and thought it works perfectly in there! Thanks Justin! :) He doesn't know yet, but he will find out soon enough!

Look What I Can DO!!! (Taylor)

Taylor is FINALLY fully potty trained. He even tells me when he has to go poop in the (big) potty! Yoohoo! I never thought this day would come! Way to go buddy! We love you!