Thursday, April 22, 2010


Carter's teacher pulled me aside a couple of days ago and told me that Carter had told her we were moving! She then asked me where, Pajam was. Carter had meant to say Japan and just got a little confused I guess! What a sweet boy!

This picture is horrible, but I wanted a semi recent one of us together. Carter looks like he's going to throw up and I still had stitches in my teeth from the surgery Rhett did on my mouth!

These kids are growing up so fast. I wanted to take a quick picture to show everyone how big they are getting! This is a typical family picture too. I have one not looking, one pulling a face, one cheesing it, and one sucking his fingers! Hmm, I need to train them a little better!

I thought I needed to at least post one picture of Ryker where he isn't crying! He really is a pretty good baby! He loves to be outside and LOVES to be held. He eats like a garbage disposal. It is one of his favorite things to do. He doesn't talk nearly as much as Hunter but grunts and lets you know exactly what he needs! He is kind of a bully or silent manipulator and just loves being the baby!

1 comment:

  1. Pajam...that's so funny and cute. Good luck with your move!!
