Thursday, April 22, 2010

The trampoline!

My kids absolutely LOVE to go outside and jump on the trampoline! They could spend hours outside. Carter is getting pretty good at doing his front flip too. The babies love the tramp also unless the big boys are on it with them. Hunter likes to jump with the big boys, but Ryker is a total baby and doesn't like to be bounced up and down!

Taylor showing me his big jump with Carter jumping at Hunter in the background!

Carter's front flip! Way to go buddy!

Hunter wondering why Ryker is crying!

The "typical" Ryker jumping on the trampoline look. Pleading for me to take him off!

I just love that the kids go outside and play. The weather has been perfect lately!

I have total mixed feelings about buying them their own trampoline when we move into a home. When I was about Carter's age I fell off the tramp and had to get stitches in my head. When I was in fifth grade I got bounced by some friends and broke my leg! I still totally love the tramp and want my kids to being able to have as much fun as we did as kids. Some of our greatest memories were sleeping on the tramp and playing outside with friends! We made up a game called "The button Room" and would be out there for hours and hours just playing and using our imagination!

Once while me and Julie had a little camp out on the trampoline, a couple of neighbor boys came over and threw firecrackers under the tramp. Julie had been telling us scary stories and it about did me in. We decided to go over to the neighbor's and play games. While we were there my parents had come out to check on us. Oops! We totally knew we were in trouble when we got back home and the tent we had set up had been taken down. I'm pretty sure we got grounded for that one. :)

Anyway, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before we go and buy our kids their own trampoline to love and make memories with!

1 comment:

  1. The button room - that was a fun one! We made up a lot of fun games as kids: Julie Sinda Mountain Lion, and The Red Crayon to name a few. We sure had fun when we were little. By the way, I'm pretty sure I tattled on you and Julie about our outside campout because I was so not into boys then. I hope you have a fun time in Pajam! ;) but I BETTER see you before you leave!
