Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Basketball Season

That may be the cutest little face I have ever seen. He is such a doll. He actually liked basketball this year. Yay. The only problem is that he is so tiny and can barely shoot the ball up to the hoop. :)

Taylor was one lucky duck and had the opportunity to have his daddy as a coach this last year. He loved it. Rhett was gone for a big chunk of it AGAIN, but it was nice to have him there to help Taylor. 

When he shoots he really has to use all his strength to push that ball up there. :) He sort of looks like he's flying. 

Taylor was the cutest little player ever. Carter LOVED it this year. He had a great coach and really improved this year. I was one proud mommy.

He totally just made this shot. 

They each had an end of the year party. Taylor met at the food court and Carter had a bowling party. 

Team Dental- aka... Taylor's team. The three coaches were all dentists at the clinic. Dr. Smith, Dr. Jenks, and Dr. Olsen. They were all so great with the boys. This is a hard age to coach. lol

I'm not sure where I put Carter's pictures at the moment, but here are Taylor's team photos.

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