Friday, August 2, 2013

Phuket- Fight Night

Our last day in Phuket we were able to go to a Thai Kickboxing Fight. 
Rhett was in Heaven. I have to say that I have watched enough UFC fights of my own to really enjoy the fight night as well. 

We started with getting some delicious Thai food for dinner on the beach at sunset.
Perfect Date!

Then, it was on to the fight night! :)

I was able to pose next to one of the fighters. LOVE his pose. lol. He won his fight!

Rhett posing next to a fighter. He won as well. 

We knew we only had a few hours left to play in Phuket so instead of heading right to bed we headed to the pool and beach to take some pictures. I guess we just weren't quite ready for the date to be over quite yet. 

Rhett was playing with the camera and the shutter speed to get these. We had to stay really still or else you would be blurry. lol Some worked, some did not. 

Nothing better than dancing and kissing on the beach with your very best friend. I absolutely had a ball.

It was the perfect end to a wonderful trip! The next morning we headed back to reality. :)

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