Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I LOVE when Rhett has time off. We always have a great time getting out of the house. This being our last year here in Cali we decided we needed to make the trek up north to see the big Sequoia trees. We are lucky enough to have parents that have a timeshare near there so we packed up and drove the 7 1/2 hours to play in Northern California for spring break.

I was really nervous about the drive, but all the boys did an excellent job. We stopped near Fresno and got gas. I made sandwiches for the little boys and bottles for the babies and we drove the rest of the way. It helped that we have a dvd player in the car to entertain the boys.

We got to Angel's camp and got into the condo about 8:00 and settled in. I went grocery shopping while Rhett got the kids ready for bed. We fed them dinner and let them pick where they wanted to sleep. Carter and Taylor chose the living room on the pull down bed so that left the spare room for the babies. I made the twins a little bed on the floor.

The next morning we woke up to Carter freaking out. He went in and couldn't find the babies so he was really scared. I went in to help him look and could hear Hunter talking. I pulled the blanket up from the bed and found two sweet little babies wedged under the bed. Hunter having only his head under and Ryker clear under against the far wall. When they saw me they both gave a happy little smile knowing breakfast was coming.
The first day we went to the Big Trees National Forest and went on a 2 1/2 mile hike in the snow to see some HUGE trees. It was so cool. Rhett and I both carried a baby on our back in backpacks and took turns carrying Taylor when he got tired. It was a long hike, but SO worth it!
The next day me and the little boys went into Mercer Caverns. It was fun to be in a cave. The little guys thought it was really neat. WE also did a lot of swimming, playing at the park, and just relaxing as a family. This was a vacation I would totally do again. It was so cool! Thanks for letting us use your timeshare mom!
Pictures soon to come! My computer is running a little slow to add photos right now!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

More San Diego Zoo

Rhett took this picture of the parrots and I thought it came out really great. 

These Giraffes were totally loving on each other. It was so cute.

This was my favorite giraffe. Look how cute he is!

Rhett think Hunter looks like Jesse James baby in this. Cute little bug!

We had a really great time at the San Diego zoo. The little boys had a great time being able to run around. The babies loved getting out of the house. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

San Diego Zoo

We went to the zoo last weekend and had such a blast. The only disappointment that the little boys had is that we had to wait in line to see the panda's. When we got there all they did was eat bamboo. They didn't even know any kung fu at all. Poor little boys. 

At the bird sanctuary. It was cool. The little boys loved watching them fly around.

My big boys!

He is such a little monkey! He loved being able to run and play and not get in trouble for it.

Rhett had a blast with his camera. He got a ton of really great shots, but my blog takes forever to post them so here are just a few to see what a fun time we had!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Big Bear

We have absolutely loved going up to Big Bear while living here in California. We decided to break up the weekend and head up and do a little hiking with the boys. We started by going to the adventure center and looking at all the animals. The boys thought it was fun. We then headed over and hiked across the bridge. The boys had a blast!

This is one of my favorites pictures of the boys. The sun was shining and so Taylor totally put his head down right when we took it. Carter just has his eyes tightly shut.

I think it's so fun to watch the boys right now. Taylor is Carter's little shadow and does everything that he does.

It seems like my little boys always have to have a stick in hand.

I wish this picture had turned out just a little better. I caught the sun at the top. Hunter had a great time hiking with his daddy!

This is just me and Ryker hiking. He also thought it was a ton of fun to be outside. Overall a fantastic weekend. The little boys got to go hiking and there was even enough snow for some snow balls.

Taylor was really adorable with the snow. He picked some up and was running to catch up to dad to hit him with it and he just ate it on the cement. He was so sad that his snowball crumbled. I made him a new one and he got a huge smile on his face and ran and got Rhett right on the butt when he was putting Hunter in the car seat. He was so proud. He seriously laughed for like 5 minutes straight.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Carter's New Motorcycle

This is Carter's new Motorcycle. It's a little pocket bike. We bought it from a guy that weighed about 230 lbs. and got it going like 30 mph. I was a little nervous for Carter, but he is starting to get a little better on it.

Taylor loves to go for rides with mommy! He thinks its so fun.

Here is Carter in his full get up. He has the helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and a big heavy coat just in case he crashes.

It was really funny the first time he rode it. He thought he would just be able to get on and ride away. Well, as you can see from the video he crashes. He was pretty upset and Rhett was trying to explain to him that he would have to learn how to ride it. Rhett said to Carter, "I knew you were going to crash the first time." Carter just looked at dad with a betrayed look on his face and said, "Then why did you let me ride." Poor little guy!

Babies 1st REAL swim

We have pulled the babies into the hot tub a few times, but this was the first time they actually got to get all the way in and they LOVED it!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The fish

I have pretty much came to the conclusion that we are not fish people. The boys got to exchange "Bubbles" and "Steam" and picked up two more fish. They got a female and a male. Carter named them both this time and called the boy "Hot Rod" and the girl "Hot Ride" Yeah not my name of choice, but we humored him anyway. 

Well to get to the point they have both died as well. We won't be getting anymore fish for the little boys and are just happy that we got them fish instead of dogs. It would have been sad to see so many dogs die under the care of my little children.

Feeding the Ducks with Grandma Olsen

We had such a great time in St. George. One of the days while we were there Melanie took the little boys to feed the ducks. They had so much fun. Carter was very careful not to throw two pieces to the same duck while Taylor's favorite thing to do was to chase them back into the water. Thanks Melanie. They had a blast!

This was Taylor reaching up for more bread from Melanie. Sorry we didn't catch your face in any of these Melanie!

Carter was really very worried about this one. His wings seemed to be broken. The whole time we were there he had them sticking straight out. Carter is such a cute boy with a tender heart!

New Haircut

I got a new haircut. I have had the same look for about 3 years so I thought it was time to switch it up a little! 

The Watchmen

I just remembered something funny that Carter had said the other day. Rhett has been really excited for the movie "The Watchmen" to come out and had a picture of it on his computer. Let me just explain a little about what the picture looked like. It had this big blue guy on it that was totally buff and bald with his shirt off and a huge target on his chest. So anyway, Carter came over and was looking at the picture and asked who it was. Rhett said that it was him and Carter really started to look at the picture than turned to Rhett and asked, "Why do you have your shirt off." Rhett and I just busted up laughing. Out of all the things, the target, the blue, the bald....all he wondered about was why he had his shirt off.