Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I LOVE when Rhett has time off. We always have a great time getting out of the house. This being our last year here in Cali we decided we needed to make the trek up north to see the big Sequoia trees. We are lucky enough to have parents that have a timeshare near there so we packed up and drove the 7 1/2 hours to play in Northern California for spring break.

I was really nervous about the drive, but all the boys did an excellent job. We stopped near Fresno and got gas. I made sandwiches for the little boys and bottles for the babies and we drove the rest of the way. It helped that we have a dvd player in the car to entertain the boys.

We got to Angel's camp and got into the condo about 8:00 and settled in. I went grocery shopping while Rhett got the kids ready for bed. We fed them dinner and let them pick where they wanted to sleep. Carter and Taylor chose the living room on the pull down bed so that left the spare room for the babies. I made the twins a little bed on the floor.

The next morning we woke up to Carter freaking out. He went in and couldn't find the babies so he was really scared. I went in to help him look and could hear Hunter talking. I pulled the blanket up from the bed and found two sweet little babies wedged under the bed. Hunter having only his head under and Ryker clear under against the far wall. When they saw me they both gave a happy little smile knowing breakfast was coming.
The first day we went to the Big Trees National Forest and went on a 2 1/2 mile hike in the snow to see some HUGE trees. It was so cool. Rhett and I both carried a baby on our back in backpacks and took turns carrying Taylor when he got tired. It was a long hike, but SO worth it!
The next day me and the little boys went into Mercer Caverns. It was fun to be in a cave. The little guys thought it was really neat. WE also did a lot of swimming, playing at the park, and just relaxing as a family. This was a vacation I would totally do again. It was so cool! Thanks for letting us use your timeshare mom!
Pictures soon to come! My computer is running a little slow to add photos right now!

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