We had the chance to go to Oceanside last week. The kids had a great time. I have to admit though that it wasn't much of a vacation for me. I had the four little boys on my own. Rhett was going to come, but ended up having an appointment and wasn't able to make it. We did have our friends there though. Carter's best friends Shaely and David and their families came. Carter was in friend heaven.
These pictures is where the little boys slept. Thanks for letting us use your condo mom. We absolutely love it!

I was able to sleep with Taylor on this twin bed. I tried to move him to the floor, but he refused to sleep without me. So it was a little snug. I'm not used to sharing a twin bed.

This is the group of kids we had there minus the three babies. They made a jungle gym. What a bunch of little monkeys.

This is me and my boys over by the harbor on our way to the beach. They loved the boats.

Taylor and Carson loved throwing rocks into the water. I was a little nervous that they would hit a boat, but they were careful.

Taylor on the rocks.

Carter and Shaely playing in the waves. These two made me so nervous because they loved being out deep in the waves. I was constantly telling them to come in a little further.

Little Taylor making a sand castle. He loved the sand. He wasn't too hot on the water after taking a face plant the first day.

Some pictures of my babies and their first time at the beach!

They loved to eat the sand. The first night these poor little guys ended up getting the stomach flu. They threw up the whole first day we were in Oceanside. It was hard for mommy to be there with sick babies and no daddy.

Playing in the condo while mommy was packing everything up!

I love these little hawaiian outfits that Julie and Jenny bought for the little boys. Thanks girls.