Sunday, April 12, 2009

Disneyland or not!

We decided to go to Disneyland because Rhett's patient cancelled on him on Wednesday. The kids were super excited and begged all morning for us to finally go. We wanted to wait until the afternoon to go so that we could stay for the fireworks. We finally got off around 2:00 and got there shortly after 3:00. We drove up to the parking and handed them our season pass with the parking and were informed that that day was a block out day. We asked them how much t would be to go and the answer was $40 a piece and $12 for the parking. It didn't take us very long to hit the exit and we decided to head to The Getty Museum in LA. We haven't been for a long time and thought it might be fun. 

We totally got stuck in traffic and it took us almost 2 hours to get there. We pulled up to pay for parking and were informed that they would be closing in 15 minutes.

We then took the kids to get a bite to eat and started home from LA at 5:30. Perfect time for stop and go traffic. I love California. The poor kids. What a wasted day. We will always make sure to check the block out dates for Disneyland though.


  1. Oh....I can only imagine the PURE HELL!! lol
    'Specially with 4 boys that were thinking they'd be spending the day with Mickey!
    So sorry!

  2. Bummer! that almost happened to us. I was going to take Jake for his birthday last week. Luckily, Scott knew it was a black out day (as is my birthday and Scott's, too--no free Disney stuff!)

    This sounds like our Valentine's day experience and I am just sad for you. How lame! :)
