Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Last Disneyland Trip For The Olsen Family!

We went to Disneyland for the last time last week. We had a blast! I truly will miss that place when we move. It was pretty crowded, but we stayed overnight and went two days so we still got our fill. It was actually a quite exciting trip for us this time. The first thing that happened was that Rhett lost his bottom retainer on the fast train ride. He was pretty upset. I went back and talked to the ride operator to see if I could look and try to find it, but on the bottom where you put your legs... there was two big holes where it would most likely fall down. I gave them my name and told them that I would check back in a few hours, but had pretty much chalked it up as a loss.

We then went and ate at the New Orleans Cafe. (A fun treat for it being the last trip) We had the Monte Cristo and it was SO good. Rhett had to go back to school so me and Julie played the rest of the day with the kids. The other exciting thing that happened was that Carter was tall enough to do the Indiana Ride. Woohoo. We have waited years for him to be able to ride that one. Well, me and Julie were both excited to ride it with him so Julie went first. Apparently, it scared him a little. He held his hands over his eyes the ENTIRE time and when I asked him to go with me he started to cry. Poor little guy. If I had been his dad I would have told him to buck up and stop crying, but I'm not! I'm his mom, so I picked him up and told him how much I loved him and that if the ride was too scary he didn't need to go with me again. 

Later that day I went to get a switch rider pass for the fast train and the guy looked at me and said, "Hey aren't you that girl that lost her retainer?" I replied yes and he informed me that someone had actually turned it in. Yeah! Rhett was so happy. Don't worry everyone he washed it really well before replacing it back in his mouth!

I love you Julie. Thanks for coming to play at Disneyland with us again! A fantastic trip and end to our Disneyland adventures! 
This is the whole family at Disneyland! Thanks for taking the picture Julie!

Carter is such a poser. This is his scary pirate pose, but my ultimate favorite was when he grabbed two butter knives and pretended to slit his throat. Oh boy, we need to watch what he watches. :)

My two little hobbits in front of the rabbit hole for Alice!

This was seriously so adorable. Carter just wanted to sit with Taylor alone and he pointed out all the cool stuff for him on Monsters Inc. It was really very sweet!

Me and the babies on Small World. They loved it! There was so much to see!

Hunter was Julie's partner and he loved that she wore a hat. When he would get bored he would just reach up and chomp on it a little!

This is Scott from X-Men aka Carter! He was teasing us about taking off the glasses. He also only answered to Scott the WHOLE second day. He loves X-Men!

This was my all time favorite ride with Talyor. It was the Jungle Cruise and he loved it. He pointed out everything to me. He was just so excited over all the animals. He was a little nervous for the "sleeping zebra" in this picture!

My sweet little man waiting for Julie, Carter, and Daddy to get off the train!

Here is jewlz with the little ones. She was an absolute angel. She helped me out so much. Thanks for breakfast and lunch Julie. We love you and can't wait to be a little closer!

Goodbye Disneyland. We have had so much fun over the years. Thanks for all the laughs and great memories. You truly are the "Happiest Place on Earth." You will be missed!


  1. That's kinda funny about the retainer thing . .remind me to tell you the story about uncle tom sometime . . it's really funny and the retainer thing reminded me of that. I love that Hunter snacked on Julie's hat. I wish I could have been there with you guys. Love you!

    By the way, how the retainer get out of the mouth in the first place? Did it just pop out and fly out a hole in the car . . I'm laughing right now . . .I don't know why I find this so funny.

  2. lmao. I wish that was how the retainer got lost, but alas it was just in his pocket from snacking on animal cookies before the ride. :) The ride is pretty fast though. I bet if he had his mouth open it would pop right out. lol.
