Tuesday, May 25, 2010


While we were in California we had quite a bit of time to burn while daddy was in classes! We went to the farmer's market one day and the little boys loved getting samples of fresh fruit! We ended up picking up some fresh strawberries for the kids and fresh cherries for me! We also saw this amazing church that we had to stop and take a couple photos of. It was really pretty!

The next day I took the little ones to SeaWorld! It was so fun! We did get a little burnt, but overall we totally had a blast! The favorite thing of the day was the Shamu Show! The little kids also loved the rides there! They did this amazing salute to the heroes and we got in free with our military ID. It was really neat!

Carter and Taylor in front of the church door!

A visit to see friends!

Rhett had CDA, a dental convention, in Anaheim a week ago! We decided to go and play with him. We thought this would also be a great time to meet up with some friends before we head to Japan! We played most of the first day with the Lohnaas family and had a blast! The kids were in Heaven being back with their friends! Steph and I also had a blast visiting while the big boys went to play ultimate frisbee!

Carson and Taylor playing together outside!

Carter and Shaely posing for a picture!

Me and Steph, sorry Steph... we both look like crap though! It was a little windy outside!

The big boys getting ready to play frisbee! No injuries! Woohoo!!! Good job guys! Thanks Lohnaas family! We always have a blast playing with you guys! Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

We also got to see Siobhan and her kids. You have an adorable new baby Siobhan. Good luck in finding housing and the move if we don't see you before!

We saw Alicia and it was fun to visit with her about her life and our new adventure!

Then, we got to see and stay with Michael and Laura. Thanks you for feeding us and all the treats! It was a blast to just sit and visit with you guys! We have truly missed you guys! I can't believe we never even pulled out hit-the-deck at all! :)

Anyway, we had a really great trip seeing old friends and playing in Anaheim! I really missed those babies though! Thank you for watching them for us Melanie! You have been really great!

Spring Time!

We have been watching this bird make a nest for awhile now! Me and my mom thought for sure there was going to be eggs in the nest! Then, the other day, we saw a little head pop up. I ran inside and brought out the little kids so they could see the baby birds they have been waiting for! I just love Spring time!

For some reason, seeing these little guys with their mouths wide open reminded me so much of the twins!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The twins-20 months

The twins are growing up so fast! I can't stand to think that in just a few months my babies will be two! People are always commenting on how much they look alike, but I really don't see it. I took some pictures a week ago just to document how big they are getting! I love you babies!!! Slow down a little! I want you to stay little just a little longer!

I think everything is definitely cuter in two's!!!

Adorable New Bedding!!

Melanie "MADE" the kids new blankets and they turned out SO cute! I absolutely LOVE them and the kids do too! They were so excited to put them on their beds! The big boys now have "A Big Cat Diary's Room." Carter just loves that show and was so excited to see the new material for the blankets! The babies have Air Force material and I can't wait to hang up some planes and posters in their room! Thank you SO much Melanie! I know how hard you worked and can't thank you enough! They turned out adorable!!!

Kindergarten program/Graduation

On Friday we had a great day with Carter! He had his kindergarten program/graduation. They all had parts about different things that they were going to be when they grew up! Carter's part was- "I'm going to have a restaurant, so when you come to eat... just come around to place and you'll surely have a treat!" He did such a great job on it. They also had tons of little songs that they had learned. I was so proud of him! He is just growing up SO fast!

They also had the kindergarten graduation after the program! He still has a few weeks left, but it was so cute to see him with his little hat! Melanie and Dad came and I was so glad that they did. They helped me watch kids so I could take pictures. Thanks again guys!

Carter with his costume on!

Sitting with part of his class!

Carter with his little diploma!

Carter with Grandpa Johnson and Grandma Olsen! Don't they just look like principals?

Carter with his teacher Mrs. Sorenson!

The Swing

Grandma has one swing hanging up in her backyard. The babies love it because she keeps it so low that they can climb in by themselves! Ryker is a little protective of it and gets really mad if anyone else climbs into the swing. The other day I was outside watching them play and Ryker was on the bike. Hunter quickly took advantage of this and climbed into the swing. Ryker jumped off the bike and ran over and tried to pull him our of the swing. I just sat there snapping pictures. They're brothers... they'll work it out, right?

Ryker finally just threw himself to the ground hoping that I would make Hunter get out of the swing!

Look, my belly button!

The little kids have been loving their belly buttons lately! I find it quite funny to see them walking with their shirts up for you to tickle their belly. They thought it was so cool that Taylor knew where his was too!

This is Ryker showing Taylor that he has a belly button too!