On Friday we had a great day with Carter! He had his kindergarten program/graduation. They all had parts about different things that they were going to be when they grew up! Carter's part was- "I'm going to have a restaurant, so when you come to eat... just come around to place and you'll surely have a treat!" He did such a great job on it. They also had tons of little songs that they had learned. I was so proud of him! He is just growing up SO fast!
They also had the kindergarten graduation after the program! He still has a few weeks left, but it was so cute to see him with his little hat! Melanie and Dad came and I was so glad that they did. They helped me watch kids so I could take pictures. Thanks again guys!
AAAAHHHH, Kindergarten Graduation - so cute. It looks like most of the schools in Glendale do full days for Kindergarten. I hope Jace can handle it. He's only used to going to preschool 2 times a week for 2 1/2 hours. It's a lot of change all at once. As soon as we get down there we will have to start because they will have already started school. Hey, let me know how today goes. You know what I mean. . . . and I want to see a before and after.