Tuesday, May 25, 2010


While we were in California we had quite a bit of time to burn while daddy was in classes! We went to the farmer's market one day and the little boys loved getting samples of fresh fruit! We ended up picking up some fresh strawberries for the kids and fresh cherries for me! We also saw this amazing church that we had to stop and take a couple photos of. It was really pretty!

The next day I took the little ones to SeaWorld! It was so fun! We did get a little burnt, but overall we totally had a blast! The favorite thing of the day was the Shamu Show! The little kids also loved the rides there! They did this amazing salute to the heroes and we got in free with our military ID. It was really neat!

Carter and Taylor in front of the church door!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had tons of fun--
    Saw lots of smiles!!! I love Sea World!
