Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New friends & keeping cool!

We have been so busy lately! We have been trying to get ready to move, babysitting new friends, and trying to get out of the house without frying in this heat!!! We have had a ton of popsicles and ice cream lately! I really need to stop because I can feel it sticking right on my hips! :) I will be posting 3-4 posts tonight because I've been suck a slacker with the blog lately!

First of all-

We have new friends that the kids LOVE! Julie, my sister, is getting married and with her new love comes 2 adorable kids! Brendan (7), and Sarah (4). We have had a blast getting to know our new little family members! The kids love playing together and get along pretty well!

Carter cooling off with some ice cream at the park!
Taylor with his ice cream bar!

The four little twerps cooling off in the backyard!

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