Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

Favorite quote of the day by Rhett was, "Why does taking family pictures make you NOT WANT to have a family?" It pretty much summed up the experience.

We had Ryker being stubborn and just said NO to the photographer EVERY TIME she asked him to do anything. Hunter was decent, but in a naughty mood. Taylor looked like a bird with a broken wing and a  grimace on his face and to top it all off Carter had diarrhea.

Rhett earned the MVP of the day while he cleaned Carter from the waist down while I did my best to bribe the kids with candy. We got a couple shots that worked though! :) Enjoy the pictures because I'm not doing family pictures again until 2017.


  1. lol - I love you Bec! Family pictures are NEVER a good experience for us either and usually it's Craig's fault. Sorry I didn't get to talk to you for very long yesterday. I'm dying to talk to you ... or any adult for that matter. Craig has been in Peru for a week and doesn't get home for 2 more days. Yesterday was HELL! Ty got his 2 month immunizations so he was crying all day. It was PRes day so the kids didn't have school and were bored because we couldn't do anything fun so they resorted to pestering each other. I wanted to pull my hair out. I was laughing at that picture you have on facebook where you are holding both of your twins and it looks like your hair is getting pulled. I loved it. It made me laugh out loud because that really is what 'real' motherhood is all about. I think your family pics turned out great! I look forward to seeing your 2017 ones. lol wink wink ...
