Sunday, January 29, 2012

Small update-

It's weird... I feel like we have been pretty busy lately, but I have very few photo opportunities lately. I did bring the camera to scouts the other day though and captured this adorable boy receiving his first scouting belt loops. :) He earned them in December at the day camp that he had. He has been so cute and excited about scouting.

The other exciting news that happened was my little doll Taylor broke his collar bone last weekend. He was playing on the trampoline with 5 other little kids and got pushed off. He landed right on his right shoulder in the grass. Carter jumped off immediately and held his head while he yelled for Mom to help Taylor. I knew it was something serious because Taylor is my toughest buddy. He doesn't cry EVER! He couldn't get up and I looked him over and carried him into the house.

Iwanted to keep an eye on him before running him into the ER. It of course happened on a Friday night so I couldn't just run him to the clinic by our house. I let him rest for a few hours while Rhett kept an eye on him. I met a couple girls and we got a bite to eat. When I got home I went to move Taylor to his bed and he cringed when I touched his right side. I decided that I had better run him in and see what was broken. We got to the ER right around 9:00. They checked us into triage and the guy thought I was crazy. I said I wanted ex rays done, but Taylor just wanted to get home so he told the Dr. it didn't hurt anymore. lol.

We tried to take his shirt off, but he was in too much pain. We ended up cutting it off. He was so embarrassed. :) I had brought a blanket with us so I just kept him wrapped up while we waited for our turn. We went up to do x-rays and Taylor did fantastic. I was so proud of what a tough guy he was. The Dr. finally came in and confirmed that Taylor had broken his collar bone. Taylor got a little teary and asked, "Is it broken forever?" The Dr. smiled and assured Taylor that is would heal soon. We got home about 2:30 in the morning. I loved being able to spend some alone time with my Taylor. I'm glad that he's doing okay.

It has been a week and he is doing a lot better. I'm sure it s healing right up. It has been hard on Taylor to  watch all the kids playing in the tree and on the trampoline, but he has been a real trooper. I love you Tater tot. Hang in there buddy!


  1. How long does he have to wear the sling? Poor guy.

    1. He has to wear the sling for 4-6 weeks depending on how fast it's healing. :) It's brutal. lol

  2. Tell Carter Good Job on all the belt loops! I love that little Taylor, hope he heals fast!

  3. What a tough little bug. Hugs n' kisses sent from afar ... even if he wipes them off. ;) lol
