Sunday, June 10, 2012

Our crazy adventure- (continued)

We were so happy to be able to get out of the airport!

Day 3 of our crazy adventure started early. 5:00 a.m. to be exact. We met at the airport and went through the security gates. Then, we waited a few hours to board. See us smiling though? That's because we knew we were headed home.

This was our plane. It was a C-5 and full of cargo. We climbed that large staircase to the top of the plane where they had airline seats available. The only difference is that we had a little more leg room and they were backwards. That was a little weird at first, but you didn't seem to really notice it after take off. Take off you really notice it though as it normally pins you to your chair we were all forced to lean forward. :) I actually had to hold the babies on their chairs because they kept sliding off.

The babies hogging my seat!

It was a 9 hour flight to Hawaii. They had fixed the plane, but the AC was still broken. So for 9 straight hours we were sweating. YUCK! It was also really loud. They handed out ear plugs at the beginning of the flight and I though, "Oh weird, I wonder if these are really necessary." Well, they were. lol. It worked to my advantage though. Having small children they tend to sometimes complain. With the plane being so loud nobody was able to hear. :) We were able to get on the same flight as a great family from our ward in Kadena. This was FANTASTIC. This being my first space A flight I was a little nervous, but it worked really nice to just tag along with the Dalton Family. They have a 16 year old son that took it upon himself to partner up with Taylor. He took such great care of him.

Another difference from this flight than the flight over was my babies were in diapers coming over to Okinawa. I just changed them once or twice and they were good to go. NOT THIS TRIP! I think I was in the bathroom for at least 2-3 hours of the 9 hour flight helping random kids. It was GROSS! Anyway, this was a little inconvenient, but they did great going potty. lol.

Carter playing pilot.

The coolest guy I've met. Very caring and genuine!
The coolest thing about the flight was the pilots. They were so amazing. From helping me carry up my bags to  watching kids while I went to the bathroom. They were there to help me in anyway that I needed.

Carter also had a very cool experience. He had told one of the pilots upon arriving in the plane that he wanted to be a pilot when he got bigger. They came back and grabbed me and Carter and took us down a steep staircase. We then walked down the plane on a little balance beam and up another steep staircase and arrived in the cockpit of the plane. One of the pilots got up from his chair and seated Carter there. They then put the headphones on and he got the opportunity to meet and talk to each of the pilots. They asked him all sorts of questions about his family and he asked them lots of questions about flying. It literally melted my heart to see them give my child so much attention. The pilot then gave us a cool tour of the cockpit and what all the buttons and stuff did. They showed us there sleeping quarters which were little bunk beds and there little kitchen. :) It was such a cool experience for Carter and I. Carter was in absolute Heaven and the pilots were the coolest guys ever!

Hunter got a little bored as it was a LONG flight so he played in his pillowcase! lol. We also played with iphones, and watched one movie on my laptop. They did take about a 2 hour nap, but were awake much of the time. We had purchased sack lunches so they were handed out during the flight. It came with a ham and cheese sandwich, chips, m&m's, a granaola bar, water, and a can of pepsi. That may have effected why my children slept very little. lol. Anyway, it was a LONG day! We arrived in Hawaii safe and sound and were told it was a 5 hour wait until we would board to head to Travis AFB in California. 

Taylor and his partner Matt.

To be continued...


  1. You are such a trooper!!! Super mom for sure. I am glad you got on a flight :)

  2. Looks like it was quite an adventure for the whole family!

  3. That is an adventure. I wish we were there with you guys! We miss you!
