Sunday, June 10, 2012

Our crazy adventure continues-

Day 6, I think...

 You may ask, "How in the world did you entertain kids in an airport for so many hours?" Well, we played lots of games including duck duck goose. This was the kids favorite. Also Hawaii had an amazing family room that included a small outdoor playground. The kids watched movies, played on iphones, and played with each other. They also took turns giving one another rides on the luggage. lol.

Alright back to the adventure. We had just gotten on a plane headed for Travis AFB. It is located right in between Sacramento and San Francisco. The plane ride was about 5 1/2 hours and we left Hawaii about 11:00 p.m. I was again impressed by the pilots of the plane. I had to use the restroom at one point during the flight and asked if he would please watch the kids for a second. I came back to him sitting in my seat with a twin on each side of him dead asleep. He smiled and told me that he didn't mind sitting and watching them and that they reminded him so much of his boy at home. I actually took the seat next to him and he told me all about his family and his life in the military. All the while... he was holding my sleeping angels. They had fixed the AC and we FROZE our butts off. He saw me shivering and came over and asked if I wanted another blanket. I told him that would be fantastic and he went back to his seat to get one. All of them must have been in use so he quietly unrolled his own sleeping bag and placed it over me and the children. He was seriously such a kind, compassionate guy. He also helped me put shoes back on the kids when we landed and carried one of my bags down to the bus. I think he understood that it isn't easy to be traveling with four young kids and he was going to do everything in his power to make it easier. I will appreciate his gesture and will be looking for opportunities of my own to make someone's life easier. Thank you Major ______.

 We arrived in California around 7:30 in the morning. After grabbing our luggage we headed to the rental car place. We rented a nice little SUV and were on our way. The Dalton's were actually heading to Cedar City, UT. It made it nice. We were able to follow them all the way home. The car ride was LONG! It took us 13 hours to drive to St. George. Keeping in mind, we had just taken the red eye flight from Hawaii. I was EXHAUSTED! Matt actually took a turn at the wheel while I slept for an hour. I was able to pull myself together after a monster and some food and we drove straight home. We arrived at Melanie's house right before midnight. She had made us some adorable signs and cookies and the kids were so glad to be done traveling. It was quite the adventure. I surprised my Mom a day later when I called her phone from outside her house. I said, "I just miss you so much and wish we could see you." Then, we walked in! I have never been so excited to hug anyone in my life! I truly was home. That's all for our space A adventure, but we have done so many things here so Rhett, keep checking back to see your babies! I love you Rhett and wish you were here with us. I will eat some Cafe Rio for you! :)

Thank you for the signs and cookies Melanie. We were so excited to get to see you and can't wait to spend some more time with you. We hope you are enjoying your little adventure and will see you soon!

Again, sorry for all the typos and bad grammar. One day I will go back through and edit everything to make it nicer, but right now I only have time to quickly post our memories.


  1. Geesh, Beck! You weren't kidding! Total adventure! Good on ya for keeping such a posative attitude about it (at least in blog mode ; ) and for making it to your final destination in one piece! I'm so happy that you were able to make it work, and that the kids are having a fun time. Bless your heart!

  2. You and your family were the BEST SURPRISE a Grandma can get!!!!
