Saturday, December 1, 2012

Just another day at the beach... in Paradise.

Carter loves  the camera and is often found behind the lens.

I love where we live. We went to the beach in November to play in the sand and water. The kids had an absolute ball posing for silly pictures and I enjoyed laying out and getting a little sun. I love that they are old enough to play and I can watch from the sidelines sometimes.

It was a gorgeous day and just what we needed. There is nothing like enjoying the beach together. My poor car will have sand in it forever, but it is always worth it. We packed some sandwiches and chips and made it a picnic. I was also able to rent some diving gear while we were there. Later that evening I got to go on my first night dive with a friend. Diving at night is a lot different than during the day, but really awesome. You see different fish than during the day. It was a cool experience. 

Just getting tan while watching my kids play in the water together. I am pretty sure this is close to Heaven.

I can't wait for Rhett to come back so I can take a nap while he plays in the cold water with the kids. He is so good with them. They love taking turns skyping with him, but it's just not the same as holding him. They miss all the snuggles. We are so excited though because he should be home in just over a week! :)


  1. You look like a model. Gorgeous, Gorgeous!!

  2. I'm jealous that you live so close to the beach and can just make a day of it. We love the beach, but we have to plan far in advance. We sure love you!
