Sunday, November 25, 2012

Special Olympics 2012-

 It was such a RAINY day, but that didn't stop us from going to the Special Olympics to cheer on the athletes. I was a "hugger" last year and had a blast. Best experience ever! This year due to Rhett being gone and not having a babysitter I just packed up the troops to go and cheer with me from the sidelines. We cheered our little hearts out for about an hour and a half before we were soaked through and decided to head home. The Special Olympics touches my heart so much. Everyone was so excited to be there!

 We switched from cheering from the side of the track to the winners podium a few times. I was so proud of my boys. Taylor gave hugh fives to everyone with a number on and clapped and cheered so hard. He would always yell, "Come on. You are doing so good." I actually teared up at one point. I love moments where my kids make me smile.

It was a really fun day and I wish it had been better weather so we could have stayed longer. We were surprised to see my friend Chris there as a "hugger." BEST JOB EVER!

Chris is in the white shirt up above. As a hugger, you get to help them race and be there for support at the end. (Which usually is accompanied with a huge hug.) If I could do this everyday I totally would. Chris was smiling because his girl just took second place in her heat. :)

Taylor really got into the cheering. As we were leaving a little boy ran up and gave him a hug and a high five and Taylor just kind of smiled. As we were walking back to the car he got a cute smile and said, "He reminds me of cousin Josh." Josh has down syndrome and is the most lovable person in the world. We are so happy he is in the family. Overall, another great day with the boys. Carter was at a camp out with scouts so he was gone, but the little ones and I really enjoyed ourselves celebrating the success of the athletes this year.

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